Chapter 29: Mock-Up

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Exams were the worst inventions in human history. Second only to mock-up exams. Naomi would know, since mock-up exams were the entire agenda on her calendar for two whole days.

Naomi had never failed an exam. In fact, she had always been a straight-A student. Studying had been her only pastime. She found purpose in understanding everything taught to her. There had never been a question about whether or not she would ace an exam.

Until now.

Kieran's embrace lingered in her mind like a beautiful obstruction. She could still recall it even now. The warmth of his body encircling hers. The whisper of air across her cheek with each breath. The way his head met hers in the gentlest nestle. All those things tore her in half, stole the air from her chest. Naomi had a plan, but she wanted nothing more than to deviate into the wilderness where she knew she would get lost.

Her mother would never approve. Kieran had debts. He didn't work in a company that her mother would approve of. He was, in fact, the very kind of man that her mother warned her against. The irresistible kind.

Naomi shook her head. She should be focusing on the test in front of her. The important things.

Romantic relationships didn't fit in The Plan.

Her brain didn't seem to understand that concept. Try as she might to focus on her test, Naomi found her mind wandering. How was she supposed to concentrate when Kieran's deep chuckle in her ear repeated itself every five minutes?

Somehow, Naomi managed to finish the mock exam without botching too much. At least it wasn't the real deal yet. As long as her mother didn't get the report on the mock-up scores, Naomi would be fine.

Wouldn't she?

Naomi dropped her head into her hands. She had to sort out her thoughts and feelings before they ruined her academic career.

You have to let him go, he's distracting you. Naomi told herself the truth, but it left a bitter taste in her mouth.

She had to admit, when she was around Kieran she felt... freer. Like she could be herself, without any pretense. He didn't scold her for speaking her mind. He seemed to intuitively know what to do to calm her down. Was this the infatuation her mother had warned her about?

A pair of hands slapped against the desk beside Naomi. "What're you thinking about?" asked Claire.

Naomi shook her head. "Nothing."

"Really? Cause your mock exam ended and you're still sitting here."

Naomi lowered her hands so she could look up at the only woman in the entire university who dared to insert herself into Naomi's life. "I think I failed the mock-up."

"Really? That's... sad, but perfectly normal." Claire reached over Naomi's back to grab the bag that Naomi had set in the seat beside her. "We'll go get dessert to cheer you up. Do better next time."

"Are you okay?" the words slipped out of Naomi's mouth before she could filter them.

Claire didn't seem like the comforting type. For her to offer comfort meant... something. Naomi wasn't sure what it was, but she doubted Claire offered without an ulterior motive.

Claire laughed, the tilt of her head causing that blunt-but-stylish bob to swing around her chin. "Look at you, caring about someone besides yourself." Claire made a face at her. "I think we've made progress."

"You're avoiding the question." Naomi leaned back in her seat and folded her arms. "We're not going anywhere until you answer."

"Answer? Okay." Claire held up a finger. "Number one, you're depressed and confused so dessert is the best solution. Number two, we're friends, right? Let's have a friend date."

A friend date? Naomi didn't even know the term. What was required of her on a friend date? Did she have to go?

Claire wrapped her long fingers around Naomi's wrist and pulled. "Get up. Let's go."

On cue, Naomi's phone trilled. Naomi pulled it out to check the message.

How did the mock-up exam go?

With a groan, Naomi answered with a complete lie. Fine.

I've sent someone to pick you up.

Great. Just what she needed. Naomi wanted to do anything except go home. For once in her life, she wanted to go have fun. To unwind. Maybe it would help relieve some of her stress.

"Who was that?" Claire asked innocently.

Naomi tucked her phone away and shook her head. "No one. Where are we going?"

"You know the little dessert cafe at the back gate? I heard it's amazing."

"I haven't heard of it."

"You haven't heard a lot of things." Claire jerked her chin toward the classroom door. "After you, your highness."

Claire would never let Naomi live down the amount of snobbishness that dwelt within her. Naomi couldn't blame her. Even now, Naomi had a hard time accepting that she had allowed someone like Claire to become her friend. Not that she would ever admit friendship in front of her mother. Which only added to Claire's point.

Naomi snatched her bag out of Claire's grip and slung it over her own shoulder. The khaki messenger bag hit her beige skirt and blended in there.

"You should consider wearing actual colors, you know." Claire scooted out of the aisle behind Naomi. "You'd look good in them."

"Colors say things about you. Better to be neutral." Naomi pushed her hair out of her face.

Claire plucked at a flyaway strand. "Then at least cut your hair. It's all one length. Talk about boring."

"It's fine, Claire." Naomi shook her head. "It's fine as it is."

Just like The Plan. Just like Naomi's life. Everything, in its own unique way, must stay the same in order for the cogs to work. It would be fine if it stayed the same.

"I'm just saying... live a little," Claire suggested as she pushed open the door to the outside.

Naomi crossed the threshold into the bright sunlight. The sight before her stopped her immediately.

A sleek sports car sat parked at the curb, the owner leaning casually against the passenger side door. His sun-bleached hair hung in layers to his chin, styled in a professional manner. With a few stray gusts of wind, it could end up a mess. His suit, custom tailored, molded to every plane of his stature. And in his hands, a bouquet of flowers waited for their recipient.

The man pushed off the car with a grin directed at Naomi. "Long time, no see."

Naomi blinked, taken aback by the abruptness of his appearance. What had the universe, or her mother, been playing at? Shocked, off-kilter, and surprised, Naomi could utter only one word.


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