Chapter 26: Snack

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Why had he invited the little rich girl to his apartment?

Kieran never invited the rich girls to his personal space. That way, when he inevitably dumped them, they couldn't find him. Plus, Tawny. Inviting any woman to his apartment would end in disaster. So why had he worked so hard to get Naomi to follow him home?

Kieran never claimed to be innocent. It wouldn't be his first time alone with a woman. But those women knew what they were getting themselves into. Somehow, Kieran doubted Naomi had the worldliness to understand double entendres.

So why did he suddenly decide he needed to take her home and tuck her away from the things that had frightened her? All Donovan's fault. If he had left Naomi alone, they wouldn't be on their way to Kieran's space. Why did Donovan have to choose that specific time to be overprotective?

Her wrist sat small and fragile inside Kieran's palm. Truth be told, he didn't know if he held it simply to lead her or whether he had wanted to capture her. If he held her, she wouldn't get away.

That was the problem. Kieran had to let her get away. Catching her would do neither of them any good. It would only end in heartbreak.

Yet here they were, already on the road outside his home.

The time for nerves had long passed. Once he had made the suggestion, Kieran knew there would be no backing out. Why should he? His conscience didn't care what happened once he achieved his goal.

"This is where you live?" Naomi asked.

Only then did Kieran realize he had stopped walking and stood staring up at his windows. He had never hesitated on anything before. Each decision he made, Kieran carefully calculated beforehand. So why did this decision feel like free-falling from a high cliff?

No, no, no. He wouldn't regret. They had come this far. Kieran would get what he needed so he could leave her behind. He had to set the stage sometime. It might as well be tonight.

"It's not much to see, is it?" Kieran shot back at her.

Naomi shook her head. "I'm sure it's... quaint."

Quaint. The word rich people used to look down on those less fortunate. Suddenly reminded that Naomi's world and his world would never mix, Kieran found his confidence. The hand that had tucked around her wrist turned slightly, tucking itself around her still-shaking fingers.

I won't regret this. "Come inside and see."

Like a rabbit into a snare, Naomi wordlessly followed Kieran up the stairs. Through his apartment door.

Naomi's big doe eyes took in the interior. Nothing much, Kieran knew. He didn't own a real sofa, so he had made do with a frame made of sand-filled burlap bags. The cushion consisted of pillows and blankets. He might as well have pulled it out of a junkyard.

But Naomi didn't say a word as she took a seat, perched on the edge of the makeshift couch.

Kieran steeled his nerves and turned for the pint-sized fridge in the kitchen. "Do you want something to drink?"

"Water, please." Her voice had gone soft, timid. As if she wanted to second-guess her rebellious decision.

Kieran briefly rested his head against the cool refrigerator before he grabbed Naomi's water. He could do this. He had done it a hundred times. Why was this different?

"Here. Water." Kieran offered it to her with one hand.

Naomi took it and worked at the lid. It didn't budge. The pout she threw at the water bottle was... cute. Too cute.

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