Chapter 8: Information

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"This is what Janelle walked away from?" Kieran flipped another page in the project proposal. "Seriously?"

The collaboration proposal between two of the trendiest up-and-coming brands had no flaws. If their photographer did well, it would give him or her a strong foothold in the current market. Not the sort of thing that Janelle would walk away from, if she had any smarts. 

Jack scratched his head. "She didn't get to the proposal part. She heard the words Niall Carmondy and suddenly had something urgent to do that weekend." 

Oh, of course. Kieran had almost forgotten about Janelle's beef with Niall Carmondy. Everyone had seen it coming. The two of them had huge egos, which left little room for cooperation or compromise. It had only been a matter of time before they clashed in a nuclear explosion so legendary that everyone at both companies still discussed it at the water cooler. 

With Niall Carmondy leading the modeling for the clothing line, Aubergine, no wonder Janelle fled. 

Kieran didn't blame her. He should thank her, instead. Because of her stubbornness and large ego, he had walked in on the deal of a lifetime. The proposed pay would help him out, maybe put him in the black. The collaboration was sure to catch attention, so the residual recognition would help him land bigger and better jobs. 

No, this could be a blessing in disguise. 

"Everything looks good to me." Kieran closed the proposal and tossed it in Jack's direction. "I'll need most of the day to finish it correctly." 

"You're my best employee, I hope you know that." Jack clutched the proposal to his chest as if cradling a child. 

Yeah, sure, he was. Kieran had no delusions about how Jack felt about him. If not for Kieran's not-so-helpful advice on the subject of women, Jack wouldn't give a care. 

Which led to another problem. Kieran had to pretend to care, at least once in a while, how Jack's relationships were going. Now would probably be one of those times when Jack might expect him to bring up the subject. 

Kieran folded his arms, already dreading the outcome. "How's it going with Natasha?" 

Hopefully, Kieran picked the right name. It was hard to keep up with Jack's relationship turn-over, so Kieran stopped trying to remember the girl of the month a long time ago. 

"As good as it gets, I guess." Jack frowned. "I swear, I just don't understand women, K. What more does she want from me?" 

Oh, great. Sounded like, for once in his life, Jack ended up with a decent woman. One who valued commitment and wanted Jack's time, attention, and... love. 

Kieran shivered at the thought of the word. One thing he could never consult about. Love. Kieran didn't do love. He couldn't afford it. He didn't have that luxury. It would only become a weakness for him. 

Kieran sighed. He never should have asked. "Well, I guess that depends, Jack. What are you giving her?" 

"Weird question. She's my girlfriend, right? So I'm giving her gifts. And at least one day a week. It's not like I have time for more than that." 

"Yeah, that might be the issue." Most definitely. Kieran could only help out so much before his advice became, "If you don't intend to be with her forever, I'd suggest breaking it off with her."

Sometimes, that was the only answer that made sense. Some women weren't made for casual flings. Some women wanted forever, and a more merciful answer was to set them free so they could find a decent man. 

Neither Jack nor Kieran ever claimed to be decent men. 

"Oh, gosh, really?" Jack scratched the back of his neck. "You got all of that from what I told you?" 

"You don't have to look far to figure it out. You just have to be observant." 

Kieran's phone buzzed against Jack's desk. Fortuitous timing. Now, he wouldn't have to answer Jack's hour-long string of questions about what he had done wrong. The man needed some self-esteem injections, and Kieran wasn't the person to offer them. 

Donovan, read the caller ID. 

Kieran barely glanced at Jack. "I need to take this."

"Yeah, of course. Let's talk more later." 

Not likely, but a good try on Jack's part. Kieran rose from his chair without making any promises. One of these days, Jack would have to start figuring out his own relationship issues. Kieran could only take the stress of other people's problems for so long. 

Stepping out of the door, Kieran slid the green answer icon to the center of his screen. "Donovan." 


Donovan's usual baritone echoed on the line. He must be in an alley or warehouse somewhere. No matter. Kieran didn't care where he was. 

"Do you have anything for me?" 

Donovan chuckled. "Of course I do. Do you want me to tell you over the phone? Or would you like to meet up?" 

It had been a while since Kieran met with Donovan in person. Though they had been friends for years, sometimes Donovan's schedule didn't permit him to join Kieran for routine, mundane things like lunch or coffee. 

"I'm heading home," Kieran announced. "Meet me there, I'll bring takeout." 

"See you there." 

The line clicked dead. 

Kieran shoved his phone in his pocket and stretched his arms over his head. Finally, something to amuse him. Work kept him busy, and he loved his job, but Kieran had a certain adventurous streak that mere photography may never fill. Besides, he needed a boost to his finances this month. 

It only made sense to kill two birds with one stone. 

If people knew Kieran's hobbies, they may accuse him of immoral and unethical behavior. Kieran didn't care. He hadn't been raised to care about such trivial things. It didn't make sense to start now. 

Life liked to push people into corners. In this world, it was either die or survive. Kieran chose survival, however he could get it. He couldn't depend on others. He only had himself in this world, and the few that did depend on him needed him to keep it that way. 

Kieran left the studio with a slam of the door. Hopefully, the information Donovan gathered would provide a good foundation for Kieran's newest game. 

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