Chapter 11: Suddenly

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"Naomi! Thank God." One of Naomi's coworkers scurried out from behind the cashier's desk. 

This was not a normal greeting. None of the coworkers seemed to like Naomi, so they rarely made such a scene when she arrived. Naomi liked it that way. So why make a big deal today? Clearly, they needed something. 

Humans were so predictable. Hateful until they needed a favor. What kind of logic did they think they had? Being nice only when they needed something. Would that get them anything except disdain?

Still, Naomi stopped and paid attention. 

"There's been an incident at today's photoshoot." The nameless coworker snatched a bag from the floor." They need these shoes as soon as you can get them there. Oh, and this is the address." She grabbed Naomi's hand and pressed a piece of paper into her palm. "Do Michelle this favor, okay?" 

Ah. So she knew that she couldn't expect favors for herself. 

Naomi didn't hate the designer behind the shoes they sold, so denying this request didn't make sense. But that didn't mean she wanted to do it, either. Couldn't people stay in their own lanes?

Naomi held back her sigh. Showing disappointment wouldn't endear her to anyone. "I'll come back later." 

"Don't bother. Stay so you can bring the shoes back." Naomi's coworker waved her hands toward the door. "Go now!" 

An easy day at work, at the very least. Naomi took the address and bag out the door with her, even though she knew there were other issues with the demand. 

Naomi didn't have a car. If she didn't want to waste her allowance on a taxi fare that may not be refunded, she would have to walk. The urgency of the situation wouldn't allow the time it took for her to walk all the way to the address. Halfway across the city would take too long. 

Nuisances, the lot of them. Naomi hailed a taxi to waste her own money. 

Thankfully, she didn't get a chatty driver. In her current mood, Naomi didn't know how she would hold a civil conversation. Not because she hated taking the shoes to the photoshoot, but because it seemed like an unnecessary task that had been passed down to her because no one else wanted to do it. Why should she do all the unwanted work?

Naomi's mother drilled it into her head since infancy: Naomi wasn't a girl to be walked all over. She had a larger, grander purpose than those simpletons around her. 

So how did Naomi find herself here, being the gofer for everyone who started work earlier than she had? 

The taxi pulled to a stop outside a large, bleak warehouse. Not exactly a friendly welcome, but Naomi had seen enough drab things in her life that it didn't faze her. 

After she paid the fee and pocketed the receipt, Naomi exited the vehicle. 

The driver left as if he hadn't questioned the intelligence of leaving a young woman alone in a place like this. 

Naomi shook her head. People were, indeed, idiots. 

Never mind what they thought or did. She had her own job to do. Naomi clutched the bag containing the shoes in her arms like a child, squared her shoulders, and marched for the warehouse door. 

It stood ajar, waiting for anyone to cross through to the interior. Though it's looming presence sent a shiver down Naomi's spine, she accepted the invitation it offered. 

A cacophony of various tones assaulted her ears the instant she crossed the threshold. 

People bustled back and forth, working on lighting or holding a camera. Some hovered around with combs or brushes in their hands. Those people definitely worked for the models, right? 

In a blinding oversight, Naomi realized that no one had told her to whom she should deliver the shoes. Naomi didn't see Michelle anywhere in the vicinity. Having only met Michelle once, a lesser person wouldn't even know who to look for. Good thing that Naomi had a decent memory. 

Still, no luck finding the designer. 

The majority of the stand-by people congregated around a white studio background at the far end of the warehouse. Thinking on her feet, Naomi ventured toward the crowd. 

Like the Red Sea, people naturally parted at the presence of a newcomer. 

Naomi didn't dare take advantage of it, instead pulling herself to a stop within their ranks, flanked by strangers who worked in fields she could only dream of. They didn't matter. 

The sight before her mattered more. Naomi finally found Michelle. But she also found something she never expected. 

The man holding the camera radiated an aura that drew Naomi in like magic engulfing her body. Of course, he was attractive, with muscular arms and shoulders and a physique that his clothes couldn't hide. More than that, he held an air about him that Naomi neither recognized or could ignore. 

The bright lights reflected back against him, creating a halo around his head and shoulders. He must be an angel in disguise. Humans never had such effects on Naomi. 

Then he smiled.

Naomi had never felt her heart beat so fast or her mouth go so dry. She had never known that fire could infuse her veins and rush through her body like lava. Never before had she wanted someone's smile to be directed at her, and not at the camera in their hands. 

Never. Until this moment. 

Michelle turned from her post at his side. "Oh, Naomi, darling!"

Surprisingly, Michelle remembered her name. Naomi caught herself staring and quickly dropped her gaze to her hands. "I... they told me to bring these." Lamely, Naomi held up the bag in her grasp. 

"Oh, thank God!" Michelle bustled over to Naomi to snag the sack. "You are a lifesaver, darling." Michelle leaned close to press a kiss to the air on each side of Naomi's cheeks. "Quickly, Ruby, let's go get changed, shall we?" 

Naomi's Angel lowered the camera and held up a thumb. "Next!" His voice flowed like melted chocolate. 

Naomi swallowed. You have to pull yourself together. You're the better person. 

The models, their entourage, and Michelle all disappeared from the room. Naomi hadn't been prepared to stand alone in the middle of the vast expanse. 

The Angel handed his camera to an assistant. His dark gaze landed on Naomi. "Thank you for taking the time to bring them." 

Naomi nodded in response. She didn't understand the fuzzy feeling that wrapped around her heart and squeezed. Nor did she understand why he chose to thank her. It was her job, so she should do it. A constant give-and-take.  She gave her time and energy, she took her paycheck. Nothing more, nothing less. All relationships had that dynamic, didn't they? 

Even as she asked it, Naomi could hear Claire's voice buzzing in her mind. "Life isn't about give and take. Sometimes, life is about emotions and feelings."

Had Naomi just inadvertently discovered the emotions that Claire told her about? Or had she only indulged in a momentary fantasy? Either way, with the strength they possessed, Naomi realized they had the potential to tear down all the walls she had so carefully built. 

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