Part 28

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Tw: violence

Averys POV

I was shocked. Was that a friend kiss? A tease?
"Hey guys." She said.
"Valkyrie, this is Avery." Thor introduced us.
"Hey Avery." She said and held out her hand for me to shake which I gladly took.
"Hi, nice to meet you." I said.
Then Carol came over and took Valkyrie.
"Valkyrie, let's go to the pool." She told her.
"Well gotta go, you know how it is when they get jealous." She told me, then Carol punched her arm.
I quickly turned to Thor and asked him about all this.
"I knew they had met before but I didn't know they were together." He said just as confused as I was.
"Umm you saw that too right?" Sam came over.
"Yea..." I said while looking at them walking away, clearly I had misinterpreted the entir situation, but then.


The window on the left of the building shattered and two men came in. Both were wearing ski masks so they were unrecognizable.
"DUCK!" I heard Steve yell, as we heard a string of bullets be shot.
I heard a female voice scream out of pain, but I couldn't focus on who it was because of the state I was in.

More people, too many to count, came in through holes burned in the roof. Thor got me out of the building along with Lena who was in the kitchen talking to the others.

We stood outside, hearing things break and screams. Lena and I were both in shock. Who were the people? Were they the same ones who kidnapped me? Questions raced through my mind until i thought back to the scream I heard while I was still in the building. But I was quickly snapped out of my thoughts by Sam coming outside and calling us back in.

We walked in and saw the masked people lying on the ground, dead I presume.
"Friday we need the medics from the medbay to get here as soon as possible." Tony spoke out.
"On it boss." She responded.
"Everyone okay?" Steve asked.
An assortment of "yea's" and "yups" were heard all around.
I was in the kitchen when the medics rushed in and cleaned up some people, but when I walked into the living room I saw them taking a pale Nat on a stretcher.

My heart dropped.
Authors note:
I know I know I haven't updated in years, I'm sorry about that I'm just really burnt out from school :/ but here's a double upload to make up for it 😎

Credits to AshleyHaith she messaged me the idea for part of this :) so thank you

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