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I meander into the lunch room, hopping on line and grabbing the main dish before claiming my usual lunch table. I munch away happily, taking out my sketchbook and finishing up some touches on the house I'm working on now. Ever since I met Esme, the mother of the Cullen coven, I've been completely captivated with home design. She creates the layout and design of every home they live in when it's time to update.

I hear a change in the rumble of the cafeteria and I grin to myself, looking up as the Cullen's walk in. I chuckle to myself as they walk on line and I finish my food, setting the tray in front of me as I hunch over my sketch.

The chairs scrape against the floor and I look up just as Alice takes my sketch from me. Jasper sits and pulls my chair flush with his and he throws his arm over the back of my chair.

"You're getting even better!" She cheers and I grin.

"Thank you!" I smile and she plants herself next to Jasper as Rosalie takes her seat next to me. I watch as Edward walks in late and Jasper hands me his water. I open it and drink most of it, taking the carrots from Alice and munching away. Emmett throws Rosalie's apple at me and Jasper catches it before it could hit me. This is what we usually do. I get one thing and they get small side dishes, and throughout the lunch period it all gravitates to me and the empty containers make their way back to the person who bought it. It makes it look like they ate.

Edward sits down and I wave enthusiastically at him, making him chuckle and smile to me. I continue eating but my happiness slowly edges away as I see Edward's expression contort into something unpleasant. His forehead creases and he turns, looking around before his gaze stops on one person in particular. The new girl.

"What's wrong Edward?" I ask in concern, looking between the girl and one of my best friends.

"I can't..." He starts before spinning around, probably realizing he was staring.

"I can't hear her." He says and I look to him in shock. Edward can read everyone's mind, that's his gift.

"How does she do it?" I whisper and look to her with admiration.

"Very funny." Edward says and looks to me with annoyance.

"I thought so." I smirk, taking another bite of Rosalie's apple.

"It's bugging me." He says, looking like a kid who isn't getting his way. That thought earns me another sharp look.

"Maybe it's one of those premature powers you guys talked about." I throw into conversation. At this, the five of them all turn to stare at me.

"Think about it, Jasper was perceptive, he was good at understanding people. Alice was put into a psych ward because she had premonitions." I reason, "She could have something like that too." I shrug before a slow smirk creeps onto my face, "Or Edward could just be-"

"Don't finish that sentence." He warns, making me chuckle.

"Don't do anything stupid." Rosalie warns him with a pointed look and I shut right up, feeling a small as I nibble and stare at the table. Rosalie hates humans. She hates how humans make Jasper's existence almost unbearable and she hates how humans are so ignorant and weak.

I, am the exception to the rule. My scent, to Jasper, is distracting, my blood has a dulling effect. My blood doesn't smell horrible or undeniably great, I just don't have a specific sent, kind of like how water doesn't have a noticeable smell. Being Jasper's mate, my presence distracts him from other humans. So I'm like a living rehab center for the blood cravings. I call that an accomplishment.

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