Speed Sound Blood

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"Thank you so much again, for everything you've done for me and the-".

"Our... family." Jasper cuts me off from thanking the Denali's. He rub my shoulder and gives me a squeeze, "You are officially a Cullen now, and that means these people are your cousins." He smiles down at me and I look back at the smiling coven who has taken up residence in Alaska.

"Please, there's nothing to thank us for. The Cullen's have been our family for decades." Carmen agrees with Jasper.

"Irina, show them their room." Kate smiles and the quiet one nods, leading the way. I thank them again and hold Jasper's hand, lazily swinging it between us. She opens the door and Jasper and I thank her before she zips away. Jasper closes the door and I hear the lock slide into place. I feel him wrap his arms around my waist and rest his chin on my head.

"Do I still smell the same?" I ask before feeling his nose in my hair, inhaling.

"No." He answers honestly. "I can still identify that you're my mate -" he pauses, "you just don't smell as... calming." He whispers and I'm sure he felt the drop of my mood.

"Hey, it's okay." He chuckles, spinning me around and holding my face, "It's alright. I promise you." He nods.

"But I can't help you as well as I did before." I breathe.

"Oh I can think of a couple departments that could make up for it." He smirks and I begrudgingly smile, not appreciating his projection.

"Do you now?" I grumble and he chuckles while pecking my lips. He picks me off of my feet and I wrap my legs around him as he walks us over to the bed. I giggle before flipping us over faster than he anticipated. His eyes spark with a new found excitement and I press myself to him, attaching my lips to his. He sits up, throwing my long sleeve off of me and I unbutton his shirt at record speed.

Just as Jasper takes my tank top off I'm hit with this horrible scratchy feeling in my throat.

"Oh my god." I attempt to speak but my throat closes up. Jasper chuckle as he holds me to him, kissing my jaw under my ear.

"Feeding time." He whispers.


"Is that as fast as you can run!?" I laugh as I race through the forest, the scenes flying past me in perfect clarity.

"You're a new born! You're supposed to be faster." He grumbles with a rolls his eyes. I stop on a dime and whip my head to the side, Jasper coming to a stop next to me. "Go get 'em tiger." He mumbles and taps my butt before I take off in the direction of the animal I'm smelling. I land on the animal with a thud and we roll three times as it scratches me, ripping my shirt but doing no further damage. I snap its neck and sink my fangs into the beast, its blood gushing into my mouth.

I hear Jasper walk up and park it on a snow covered boulder to let me feed in peace. A couple minutes later, the animal was sucked dry and I step back to see what I just killed. A fully grown male black bear. I feel Jasper's hands snake up my arm and turn me around. He smirks, never breaking eye contact with me, and leans towards my face, licking the blood off the corner of my mouth as his pupils dilate and something in me turns on.

"That was hot." I admit and he grabs my chin, kissing me slowly and passionately.

"I love you." He breathes against my lips, "I always will. You can no longer run from me."

"I'd never dream of it." I whisper, smiling up at him as he runs a thumb along my cheek.

"It'll take a while for your eyes to change." He informs me and I nod.

"You still haven't seen yourself." He realizes in a matter of fact tone before backing up and pulling out his phone.

"But I have blood all over me!" I protest, making him chuckle.

"Think of it as a baby picture. Your first feed as a Vampire. Strike a pose, Darlin'." He smirks and I roll my eyes before grinning, holding my shirt so you could see the claw marks and blood splatters. I hear him take the picture and I blur over to him, jumping on his back. I look at the photo and couldn't help but laugh at how crazy I look.

"That was hot." Jasper mimics my earlier words and I roll my eyes, jumping off his back.

"Come on. My tummy's still a grumbling." I whine and he shakes his head a little.


"How was it?" Tanya chuckles as everyone looks me over. I look down at my now ruined clothes and then over to Jasper's spotless ones.

"Fun. And messy. Mostly messy." I nod, earning grins from my new cousins.

"What was your first? Mine was a squirrel." Cameron grimaces and everyone laughs, including myself.

"A bear." I admit, only making Cameron's earlier confession that much funnier.

"Why don't you two go get cleaned up." Kate smiles. Jasper and I blur upstairs to our room and into the on suit.

"Ma'am." Jasper bows his head a bit and I shake my head with a smirk, walking over to the shower and cranking up the heat.

"Major." I reply before he advances and we take our shower.


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