Are You So Sure?

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I sigh, hopping out of the Jeep with a yawn. This week had been fun, Edward coming home, my birthday, and it had been relatively calm. As calm as it could be with a blood singer around. It seems Bella is giving up on her escapade and all is right with the world. Except school, I still have to go to school.

"Are you okay?" Jasper asks, sandwiching me in between him and the Jeep and I run my hands down his chest, breathing him in and nodding.

"Just tired. You kept me up pretty late." I yawn and he chuckles, nipping my nose and kissing my cheeks and forehead before biting my nose again.

"And it was worth it. You did me a great service Ma'am." He winks and I let my breath out with a teasing roll of my eyes.

"Worth staying up the whole night and trying to fit homework in there somewhere? I am a being of sleep, Lover, never again will that happen." I complain through yet another yawn. Our moment is cut short, however, when tire screeches sound through the parking lot. I watch as a van spins out of control, the tires locking up but the momentum and black ice continue its unstoppable slide straight for the last person we need bleeding.

I shove Jasper in that direction, knowing he could save her without causing a scene, but before he could even start, Edward runs full vamp speed to Bella. I feel Jasper project everyone's curiosity towards the tire marks on the pavement, preventing everyone from seeing Edward stop the van with his bare hand. I feel as if that is the metal pin that shatters my already fragile life. This is it, this is just the tip of the ice burg that is going to blow up my world, my family.

Emmett curses and we all hurry into the cars, Edward running away, towards us, at human speed. I watch carefully, seeing everyone crowding around Bella and not looking for an abnormally fast Edward. The minute Edward got in the Volvo, Rosalie peals away in the Jeep and I buckle up, clutching onto Jasper. We speed through traffic, passing a cop car and an ambulance and we arrive at the hospital.

"Are you insane!?" Rosalie screams in the car, knowing full well Edward can hear her.

"Jasper could've handled it!" She screeches

"You should've pulled her into the box of the car." Jasper says in a much quieter tone. Edward was in the other car with Alice so I could only hear half of the argument.

"You're sorry!? Is sorry going to fix any of this!?" Rosalie breaks off a piece of the steering wheel, "This is on you Edward!" She screeches and not ten minutes later, the ambulance pulls up and they rush Bella and the boy who was driving the van into the hospital.

"I'm going to check on Bella. I think Edward and Rosalie should talk with Carlisle. Alice, Emmett, please take Jasper home." I decide, feeling how hard it is for Jasper, "I'll see you soon." I assure Jasper, wanting to kiss him but knowing it'll be too much for him right now.

I get out as fast as I can and run into the hospital, looking all around before going into the emergency wing, seeing Bella on a bed where Chief Swan was by her side.

"Swan!" I shout and rush over, "Are you okay?" I ask, looking her over frantically. I've known her not longer than two weeks but she scares the crap out of me. A single drop of blood from her hazard prone body and that is it for Edward.

"I'm fine. Edward. He saved me." She says and I ignore her comment, wrapping her in a hug, letting out a breath. "You're really warm Thea, like burning." She says and I pull away.

"Sorry." I mumble.

"Bella, Bella I'm so sorry." A guy says and I spin around to see it was Tyler who almost killed her.

"It's fine, Tyler-"

"No it is not!" I protest the same time as Chief Swan. I hear the door open and I look over to see Carlisle walk in.

"We have a problem Carlisle." I mutter under my breath and he nods a little, acknowledging my statement.

"Carlisle." Chief Swan smiles.

"I heard the Chief's daughter was here." He smiles and shakes his hand.

"Hello Isabella, I'm Dr. Cullen, but call me Carlisle."

"Cullen? Edward. Your son, he-he saved me."

"Is that so..." He muses, sending me a look.

"Yeah. He stopped the van, with his bare hands." She says, desperately trying to get someone to believe her.

"Well, then we're very fortunate." Carlisle replies simply and I feel my heart pounding. "Everything checks out." He says and gives her the "if you feel dizzy" speech.

"Will you come with me, Xanthia? I'm sure Chief Swan would like a moment with his daughter." Carlisle asks and I nod, bidding the Swan's farewell. As soon as we walk out of the emergency room I let my breath go.

"Tyler's van spun out of control on the ice a-and Jasper was going to pull her into the box of her truck but Edward ran to her out of nowhere. If Jasper hadn't distracted them, everyone could've seen him. Bella did though. She was watching Edward and then the next thing she knows, he stops a van from crushing her." I pour out quickly, running my hands through my hair frantically. We round the corner and there was Rosalie, grilling Edward quietly.

"Rosalie, Edward." Carlisle nods and I rush up, standing by Rosalie. We talk in hushed voices and I look over, seeing Bella peaking at us.

"Ah, we should take this somewhere else." I whisper and look back at Bella, along with everyone else. I hear Carlisle sigh and he rests a hand on my shoulder.

"Rosalie." He says, implying for her to move, "Let's take this to my office." He says and I follow Rosalie. Edward decides to stay back to deal with Bella. Please don't say anything stupid.


I sit on the island counter, Jasper leaning his back against it in between my legs, arms folded across his chest rigidly as I wrap mine around his sounders, resting my head against his. I listen as Rosalie shouts at Edward who argues back and Carlisle who tries to keep the peace.

"- and what about Xanthia!? This effects everyone Edward! What if Bella finds out and tells people!? You think she's not going to ask questions about her and Jasper!?" Rosalie continues, "It's already hard enough trying to figure out how the hell we're going to turn her when she's twenty one! She's seventeen, what if the Volturi finds out and kill all of us!?"

"Rosalie, it's done now. We can't change anything." Carlisle speaks, glancing at me as my blood runs cold.

I hadn't even thought of the Volturi...

"I think we all just need to rest, some alone time." Esme suggests.

"I'm going to go home for tonight." I mutter, letting go of Jasper who turns to look at me.

"I'll take you home." He says and I nod numbly, walking past everyone and patting Edward on the arm. "Is everything okay?" Jasper asks and I nod slowly, getting in the car.

I can't put it off any longer. I am putting everyone in danger by staying human. This effects my mom, the Cullen's, my love, and now there's Bella to worry about. I can't wait four more years. That's four years too many. If I don't change now, the Volturi will surely find out. I'm surprised they haven't already.

"Xanthia... We're here." Jasper says, my heart rate picking up a little.

"Talk to me Xanthia." Jasper pleads and I take a shaky breath, smiling with no humor in me. "Xanthia." Jasper repeats and I look over to him, shaking my head no.

"I can't wait anymore." I whisper, "Bella is going to find out, there's no preventing it anymore. I... I want to be turned before that happens." I tell him and his eyes widen.

"But you wanted to-"

"I know." I interrupt with a sigh and he looks me over. "I can no longer afford to wait. None of us can. We were already being risky with just me. But Bella too? And she's Edward's blood singer." I shake my head again. "This needs to happen. And it needs to happen within the week."

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