Hospitals and Apologies

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"She's asking for you." Edward grabs my attention so I look up at him. I take a deep breath, even though the smell of cleaning chemicals and blood makes my stomach churn. I rise to my feet and make my way to Bella's room, I could hear her mom talking to her.

"I'll wait here." Edward says and I nod, knocking on the door. Their heads turn to the door and I enter slowly, closing the door behind me.

"Hi, you must be Thea. Bella's told me a lot about you." Bella's mom smiles and I smell Bella blushing.

"Mom." She cuts in quickly and I force a smile.

"Well, I'm a pretty cool person to talk about." I joke lightly, and they both smile.

"I'm Rene." The mom introduces and gives me a hug, I hug her back and I could feel Bella's worried gaze on me.

"I'll give you two a minute." Rene decides before walking out. I watch the door for a while before turning my eyes back to Bella who looked awkward and lost for words.

"Edward said you wanted to talk to me." I conclude.

"Y-Yeah... I wanted to thank you." She says and I nod a little.

"You're welcome." I reply, looking to my feet.

"I really am thankful, without you-"

"I'm sorry, I can't." I cut her off with a humorless chuckle.

"I didn't do what I did for you." I clarify for her, looking her in the eye as I walk closer and rest my hands on the bed by her feet. "Not just you anyway." I add as she grows nervous.

"I did it for Jasper." I pause as she looks at me. "I can't stand being away from him, that's why I sent him with you. The faster we took care of James, the faster I could be with him again, that's it. Nothing more, nothing less." I say and her eyes widen a bit as I let out my breath and take another breath in, standing up again and walking to the door, leaning on it so Edward won't walk in.

"You put my family in harm's way. I understand that it's not your fault, I get that you can't control it but I just..." I cut myself off to run my hands over my face. "I still can't like you. I guess Rosalie and I are lot more similar than I thought." I chuckle, "I'm still immature, and I don't think that can go away." I smile to her, "I'm jealous, and envious, and I can't tell you why because I still don't know why." I confess and she looks to her hands in embarrassment, maybe shame. "But you are family." I add, just like I did to Rosalie, making her look up at me again. "So I will do everything in my power to protect you and make sure you are safe. For Edward." I finish and she nods a little, blushing some more. "So try not to get yourself into too much trouble." I grumble and place my hand on the doorknob, going to walk out but her heart rate increases, making me stop and turn to face her. "Do you have something you want to tell me?" I ask after a while of her silence, shocking her.

"W-What?" She asks.

"Your heart rate. It sped up. What do you want to say?" I ask and her face turns red as I clench my jaw.

"Thank you... Even if you're not doing it for me." She mutters and I nod a little, looking her over with a sigh.

"He loves you yah know." I tell her and she looks back up at me.

"Edward, he was getting really.... well he wasn't all too happy there for a while." I tell her, knowing Edward won't be happy with me but she needs to hear this.

"Despite everything, you're good for him." I nod, "He needs someone to love." I smile to her before leaving, passing Edward whose glaring holes in the side of my head. I wave over my shoulder at him and smile to Rene who was talking with Charlie. They wave to me and I leave, heading to the woods. I haven't fed in a while.


"That's your seventh elk Thea, you okay?" Emmett asks. We met up in the woods and decided to hunt together.

"Want me to take your bears?" I shoot back and he raises an eyebrow, making me sigh and slump back into a boulder. "I feel like the next time something like this happens I'm not going to be able to stop the fire. It's just going to keep going and I'll end up hurting someone."

"You already did, I mean, you killed him." Emmett chuckles with a grin, "Like a bad ass by the way!" He grins hugely and I dropping it. He doesn't get it, none of the Cullen's will. The ones who have powers, they can't kill someone with it, they don't have to worry about controlling it like I do.

"Ah, I'm full." I sigh, standing back up and wiping my face.

"Alright, I'll catch you at home, we still need to play that game of Call of Duty." He grins, making me chuckle and nod, zipping away.

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