I Smell Something Bad

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I pull up on the curb, turning off the engine and hopping out, stuffing the keys in my pocket and slamming the door on the Jeep. I look around some and walk into the tattoo parlor. I've always wanted a tattoo, and what better time to get one? I do have my mother's credit card today after all. The bell chimes and I look up to see a huge, tanned guy look back at me. I eye him warily, as he looks back to the counter. Shorts, muscle T and short hair? He's gotta be a wolf.

"Here for the protector's tat huh?" I test even though I probably shouldn't. I flip through the book, knowing full well he heard me. I look up to see his head had already snapped over to me with an angry surprise. I've never had a need to talk to the pack of protectors residing in La Push so this is my first time seeing one.

"What did you just say?" He asks and I close the tattoo book.

"We both know you heard me." I say, tilting me head to the side and he rushes over, grabbing me by the arm and pulling me out of the shop and onto the sidewalk.

"Who the hell are you?" He growls, starting to shake.

"You need to calm down. You're about to phase in the middle of town." He freezes, trying to calm down. First meeting and I already made one mad, Jasper's going to have a fit.

"How do you know so much?" He glares at me.

"I'm Xanthia Robertson. And just like you have imprints, they have mates." I introduce myself with a smile and his eyes widen a little and he chuckles bitterly.

"You're kidding right? You're with a leach?" He spits, "Are you insane?" He growls at me, just not as harshly as he could have. I guess he's new. Carlisle already informed Billy Black and Paul of my situation.

"You've already imprinted." I state and he backs off a bit, proving my observation right.

"How is it, staying away from her?" I ask and he glares at me, "Not being able to be around her all the time, always worrying. Never not thinking about her and always wishing you could see her." I add and his eyes soften at the thought of whoever she is, "Well. It's the same here." I sigh, looking around.

"You supernatural guys are a real pain, you know."

"Oh? And you aren't?"

"Oh I'm sure we are, all weak and helpless against your kind." I nod, walking towards the door again. "But at least we're not bred to kill each other." I shrug and open the door for him. He walks in and I follow, "Never got your name." I try and he gives me a once over.

"Jared Cameron." He throws over his shoulder before following the tattoo artist.

"What can I do you for?" Another guy at the counter asks me and I smile to him.

"I'd like this one." I tell him, showing him the drawing of the octopus.

"Where are we putting it?" He asks.

"My hip, I'd like it to be big but not ridiculous."

"I'll take you now." He says and I nod, paying up front with mother's credit card. Once a year her built up drunken guilt of not being a good mother earns me a shopping spree. I used to not spend a cent because all I really wanted was a mom. I quickly grew out of that delusion and accepted the fact that this money will be the closest thing to a mother I'll ever have.

"Any special occasion?" He asks and sits me on the really comfortable chair I'll be in for the next couple hours.

"It's my birthday."

"Happy birthday!" He tells me and I thank him. "My name's Jason."

"I'm Thea." I introduce.


"Hello?" I ask, answering my phone as I watch Jason tattoo my hip.

"Hi." Jasper's voice replies softly, making me smile.

"How're you feeling?" I ask.

"I'm okay... I'm... I am really sorry." Jasper offers and I chuckle a little, resting my head in my hand.

"No apology needed."

"Are you still in Port Angeles?" He asks after a while of silence.

"Indeed." I yawn.

"What's that buzzing?" He asks after a moment.

"Oh, I'm getting a tattoo." I tell him.

"You've gotten a tattoo. We're all done, Thea." Jason says and rubs disinfectant and petroleum jelly on it.

"A tattoo?"

"That's what I said." I chuckle into the phone, "Ah, it looks great! Thank you so much!" I grin to Jason who grins back, wrapping it. "It'll take a day or two for the skin to heal itself so keep it clean with this." He says and hands me a little kit included in the fee.

"Aye Aye Captain." I thank him and pull my clothes on. "Bye!" I smile and wave before putting the phone back up to my ear.

"Where is it?" Jasper asks.

"On my hip." I answer.

There was silence before he sighs.

"I hope it looks good." He says and I chuckle, walking three shops down to a clothing store.

"When will you be home?" He asks.

"I don't know, not until late." I shrug.


"Just wondering." He replies softly.

"Hey." I speak into the phone, sighing as I lean against a rack. "I love you." I tell him.

"Undoubtedly. Unconditionally, and whole heartedly." I smile at my shoes.

"I love you, Miss Xanthia Robertson. I've waited hundreds of years for you. And I'd do it again in a heartbeat." He replies and I grin before we both hang up. I sigh happily, feeling a little uncomfortable with the tattoo but deciding I have to buy as much as I can today because Mom will take her card back tomorrow.


I drive Emmett's Jeep to my house, unloading all my bags and everything else before hopping back in and making my way to the Cullen's home to return the Jeep. I even filled her up! Pulling up, I saw all the lights on and the garage door opens for me. I roll in and jump out, the door closing. I hang up the car keys and walk up the stairs to see everyone in the kitchen.

"Happy birthday Xanthia!" They all cheer and I laugh.

"I thought you guys forgot!" I grin and Esme sweeps me into a hug.

"Happy seventeenth birthday." She smiles at me and Carlisle is the second to give me a hug. I smile widely and Alice attacks me in a hug, then Emmett and Edward who both give me hugs. Rosalie rewards me with a pat on my head, which is more than usual so I grin like an idiot, making everyone laugh. Jasper approaches last and I smile at him, throwing my arms around his shoulders and smiling up at him. He smirks and leans in, planting his lips to mine.

"Happy Birthday." He mumbles against my lips before stepping aside and they reveal a small, one person cake that looked professionally made.

"You guys didn't have to do this." I shake my head and sit in front of it and watch Alice light the two candles.

"One for your birthday." She says.

"And one for your future life." Esme rubs my back and I start fanning my eyes, feeling really freaking loved.

"That hit home Esme." My voice cracks and she looks like she could cry as well and hugs me.

"Make a wish." Edward encourages.

I hum as I think of something before finally coming up with the perfect wish.

I wish we will all be able to live a long life together as a family with no complications.

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