To Alaska I Go

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"What the hell do you mean you're going to Alaska!?" Mom shouts at me, making me sigh in annoyance, even though it was killing me.

"I'm going on a trip with Jasper." I repeat.

"The hell you are!?" She slams her beer bottle onto the counter.

"You aren't even home most of the time! You never see me anyway! So what, I'm supposed to just stay locked up in this house!? Stop trying to control me when you never even speak to me!" I explode right back, Mom's eyes widening in shock. I stand firm with hard eyes, picking up my duffle bag.

"Thea, please don't leave me-"

"Leave you? What's the difference? We never see each other anyway! You let Jackson go! So why are you pretending to care about me!?"

"He's an adult!"

"And I'm not a child!" I yell back before sighing. "No matter what you do. I'm going... And I don't know if I'm ever coming back."

"What-What is that supposed to mean!?" Mom asks frantically, my heart breaking for the drunkard.

"It means I'm gone, Mom! I'm not coming back! Not to you anyway."

"I-If this is about how I feel about Jasper- I'll try to like him. I'll try, I promise-"

"It's too little too late Mom." I cut her off, looking away from her tear streaked face. "And stop drinking." I add, "That's how you drove Jackson away too." I admit before walking out of the house as fast as I can. I jump into Jasper's car and he peals away, heading for the border.

"It's okay to let it out." Jasper mumbles, taking my hand in his. I start out with a biting gurgle but the sobs turn into ugly and twisted sounds before I couldn't hold back anymore.I am never going to see my mom again. I'm never going to wait by the door on Christmas Eve to be the first to welcome Jackson home. I'm never going to hang up the picture I took with Dad when I was two on the Christmas tree. It's all gone now.

"You still have us." Jasper tells me, as if reading my mind. "You've lost your biological family, but you still have all of us. You're a Cullen now, and the Denali's are going to help us with that." Jasper tells me, my crying coming to a slow stop and I nod, taking a deep, shaking breath. "Try to get some sleep Hun, it'll be a while before we get there."


"Is this her?" I hear whispering. I take a deep breath in, stretching from my seat in the car.

"This is her." Jasper's voice rings tenderly.

"Congratulations Jasper." The feminine voice says and I rub my eyes, blinking a couple times before looking up to see Jasper had opened my door and there were three blondes, a brunette, and a man.

"Hello, sorry I was sleeping." I say and jump out, making them all smile.

"It's quite alright. We're the Denali's. We've heard so much about you. My name is Carmen, this is my mate, Eleazar, and my sisters Irina, Tanya, and Kate." The brunette introduces and shakes my hand so I smile and nudge Jasper.

"You talking about me behind my back punk?" I joke, making them all laugh.

"Yeah, and what're you gonna do about it hot shot?" Jasper smirks with a drawl to his voice and I square up with him.

"Ask me again in a couple hours twinkle toes." I promise and I could feel everyone's smiles as Jasper brings me into a huge hug, making me laugh.

"I'm so happy for the both of you." Carmen giggles before leading us into the house and into the inviting basement.

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