You're a Natural

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I clasp on my anklet and stand up right again, looking to my closet door at the sound of a knock. "Hey Babe." I smile to Jasper before sitting back down on the round stool to put on my shoes.

"Good morning beautiful." He smiles and I stand up to where I'm eye level with him, thanks to my shoes, and wrap my arms around him. He squeezes me tightly and lifts me off my feet. He sets me back down and I take a deep breath, holding his face.

"You're so strong." He mutters under his breath, stroking my face with his thumb. I smile and turn my head, kissing his hand that's holding my face. I loop my fingers through the belt loops on his jeans and rest my head on his shoulder.

"I can't imagine my life without you." I whisper.

"I'm just glad I found you in time." He mumbles. A human lifespan must seem to pass in the blink of an eye to him. If they hadn't chose to take up residence in Forks this time around, he could've missed me completely. Or they could've met me in my old age, widowed with children and grandchildren. Children. Another ability Vampires don't have. I will never have children or grandchildren of my own.

"We should get going." I mumble and he nods, entwining our fingers before escorting me down the stairs and out of the house. I slide into the Jeep, sitting upfront next to Rosalie and Emmett and Jasper take the back seat.

"You finally smell decent." Rosalie sniffs me and I roll my eyes, sniffing the air.

"Oh and what's that? It kinda smells like... rotting roses?" I shoot back and the guys laugh as Rosalie shoves me.

"That fire did you good, Thea." She says in respect and I try not showing my hesitation for my new powers. They scare the hell out of me. We pull into school a little while later and I look all around.

"Xanthia, I want to warn yo-" but before Jasper could finish, I jump out of the Jeep, taking a big whiff in through the nose.

"Holly Hell." I mumble, stumbling into the Jeep before cracking my knuckles. "That ought to get you going."

"Are you crazy!?" Rosalie screeches.

"Probably." I agree.

"What if you snapped!?"

"It would've been pretty bad."

"I can't believe you!"

"Neither can I sometimes." I agree and Rosalie huffs while everyone else just shakes their head at me.

"Your control is crazy." Emmett mutters and I punch him in the arm.

"It's cause I'm amazing." I explain and Jasper wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me to him. "Yes you are." He agrees and I grin, pecking his lips when I feel him stiffen up. I smell it too and look over to where it's coming from. Bella.

"She's just.... hazard prone isn't she." I speak to no one in particular.

"You're telling me." Edward grumbles, making me smirk when I hear Jasper growl lowly. I look to him to see his eyes blacken.

"What's wrong Jasper?" I ask. At this Edward laughs.

"Looks like the male population has taken an interest in you again, Thea."

He explains and I smile to Jasper, wrapping my arms around his neck and blocking his view from everyone else.

"Now you know how I feel when all of the girls check you out." I mutter and plant another kiss on his lips. He growls more and I sigh. "Maybe I should just go say hi." I tease and go to walk away but Jasper's grip on me holds and he pulls me right back, making me laugh.

"I'm not going anywhere Jasper." I assure and he looks into my eyes, nodding with a small sigh. "I'm looking for an escort to my class. Would you be so kind as to fill that position?" I ask and he smirks.

"As always, it would be my pleasure Ma'am." I wave everyone off and make my way to the school with Jasper. I sigh, linking my arm in his and walking in a comfortable silence between the two of us. Everyone around us, however, was not so silent. I could hear every whisper and every heartbeat. I could hear the blood in their veins and I could feel my fangs in my gums.

"You don't need to push yourself Darlin'. If you want to leave early I'll take you home." he says and squeezes my hand, making me smile.

"I think that would be wise." I nod. Even though I'm pretty confident in myself, I would love to leave school early. Who wants to be in school? Especially since I'm going to be in it for the rest of my immortal life. This is a punishment I'd wish upon no one.

"Should we leave now?" He mumbles and I laugh,

"Let's get through some of the day first."

"Good morning. Ms. Schwartz. How have you been these last couple of weeks?" I grin to her and her eyes narrow.

"I was fine, thank you for asking, Robertson." She says as Jasper walks in, immediately attaching himself to me, making my smirk widen and we whisk ourselves to the back of the class. I slide into my seat, hearing Ms. Schwartz's heart beat pick up speed as Jasper pulls my desk to his.

"Messing with her has gotten even more entertaining." I mutter and Jasper raises an eye to me but I was focused on my charm anklet.

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