Home Coming And Oopses

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"I'm back!" I shout, happy to be back in Forks. I race into the house at top speed and plow straight for Rosalie, picking her up and spinning her around. "And you can't hate me anymore!" I shout and despite the obvious fluster on her expression, she chuckles and everyone else laughs.

"Welcome home, Xanthia." Rosalie replies and I set her down and she wraps her arms around me for the first time. After I get over my own shock, I wrap my arms around her and nuzzle my face into her neck, finally feeling like I belong.

"Welcome home kids." Esme says and Rosalie and I pull away as Jasper and I do our rounds of hugging.

"You look beautiful Xanthia." Alice gushes and I chuckle, thanking her.

"Well, we girls want to show you your room." Esme says and I raise an eyebrow, looking around.

"I thought I was going to share with Jasper?" I ask and Alice grins,

"Everyone needs some alone time. This can be yours." I nod, following three beautifully strong women up two flights of stairs.

"We couldn't put your room on the same floor as ours, when I built the house I didn't know we'd be adding a daughter to the family." Esme apologizes and I shake my head, waving it off.

"The fact that you made me a room is too much already." I admit as we walk up to a door with a sun painted on it.

"Quite ironic isn't it?" Alice winks. Alice's power of seeing the future never ceases to amaze me. She probably saw that I had the power of fire before I even knew I would be turning early. Rosalie opens the door for me and I walk into the room, my jaw dropping as I look around.

"Oh my god." I breathe out. "Th-This is... This is amazing."

"You like it?" Esme asks and I nod slowly, forgetting how to form words.

There's a beautiful four post queen sized bed with a dark wooden frame and stark white sheets against the right wall. The walls are a sea foam green and contrasts beautifully with the floor to ceiling windows on the wall you face when entering the room. The bench at the foot of the bed and nightstands are white with antique wood work that complement the coffee bean brown hard wood flooring. The desk in the corner, facing the room had a nice work lamp and a cup full of colored pencils. Inside the drawers are sketch books and markers and erasers and pencils and pens.

"That is Carlisle's and my gift to you. The girls decorated the room themselves." Esme smiles and I hear the boys run up. Carlisle walks in and smiles, resting a hand on my shoulder.

"Maybe you and Esme can design the next home together." He smiles and I grin up at him, wrapping my arms around him and feeling as if I could cry.

"There's more!" Alice blurts and I pull away as she nods to a door I hadn't noticed.

"You're welcome." Rosalie and Alice grin in unison.

"You should've seen them shopping." Edward scoffs.

"There's no stopping those two once they get going, that's for sure." Emmett agrees, making me turn to look at them all after admiring my new wardrobe.

"None of you had to do any of this." I sigh, really wishing I could still cry but crying isn't a Vampire ability. Esme fans her eyes, bringing me into another hug,

"You're family now, Xanthia, officially. This is the least we could do." I take a deep breath in, expecting to smell just my family and the woods outside but I freeze, looking to the wall facing the driveway as the doorbell rings.

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