Junior Year

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"Good Morning." I yawn as I climb into Emmett's Jeep, sitting next to Rosalie as the two boys sit up front.

"Didn't sleep?" Jasper asks with a smirk and I glare back, making his smirk widen.

"Rosalie!" I whine and hug her arm to me, glomping her in the way she hates.

"Get off me!" She growls as Emmett starts driving away.

"But Rosie!" I whine and she gets all flustered, pushing me off of her. I huff, curling in a ball against the door. "Fine, I'll cuddle with myself." I pout, making the boys laugh and Rosalie huffs in embarrassment. She tells me every day that she hates me, and the only reason she's putting up with me is because I curve Jasper's craving. She always tells me I'm annoying and have a bad personality, but she's more of a tough love kind of person. I know she cares for me, like she does Alice, it just took me a while to figure it out.

"We're here." Emmett declares and I scoot forward, wrapping my arms around Jasper from behind his seat. I lean around the head rest so we can look at each other.

"Hey, you, Blondie." I say and he raises an eyebrow at me.

"Tell me something." I say and he plants a soft kiss on the tip of my nose.

"You're my girlfriend." He smiles and I grin in return.

"Damn straight." I wink and give him a peck, making Rosalie smirk and shake her head before hopping out after Emmett. I let Jasper go and jump out of the Jeep, closing the door behind me. I watch as Jasper slides out, by far less enthusiastic, and I move to him, linking my arm with his. He walks around the Jeep, doing his best to ignore the smell of humans, and the four of us meet Edward and Alice.

"Morning!!" Alice greets with a wide smile and I return it, looking to Edward who was staring off into space.

"Good morning Edward." I snap him out of his reverie and he nods to me. He's been unhappy lately, it's worrying everyone and I know he knows, we all think it, but he never talks to any of us.

"Let's get to class then, yeah?" I offer to Jasper, figuring Edward doesn't want to hear any more from me. He nods and I wave to everyone else, humming as Jasper walks us to first period History.

"You can't force him." Jasper tells me and I nod, looking at my shoes.

"I know that, I just wish I could do something." I sigh, running my fingers through my hair.

"He'll come to us when he needs us." Jasper replies quietly and I nod in defeat, rubbing his arm. As it goes every morning, people part for us like the Red Sea and stare as we walk into the classroom. We take our seats in the back corner by the window and Jasper pulls my desk flush with his. I turn so I'm facing him and holding his hand in between the two of mine. I look at our hands as I trace shapes in his hand, not bothering to pay attention to everyone staring. Jasper, in his constant caution, is siting with a back almost too straight.

"Honey, slouch a little." I smile to him and he relaxes his back a fraction to make it look humanly straight. He stares straight ahead of himself and I stare at our hands, squeezing every time I blink so he remembers to blink.

"Alright class, let's begin." Ms. Schwartz announces as she walks in the room. I smirk to myself, looking up at the woman who looks around the class before landing on me, more importantly, my proximity to Jasper. She glares ever-so-slightly before smiling a curt smile and getting on with the lesson. Ms. Schwartz has an unethical lust for Jasper, and I didn't need his power of Empathy to see that. She loathes me because I am in the way of something she wants and she's too egotistical to admit she's jealous.

"That's not very nice." Jasper mutters to me, feeling my entertained superiority, making me giggle.

"Yeah but it's also not nice to look at another girl's man. Let alone a student who is safely dating another average student." I blink in mock innocence and he smirks with a roll of his eyes.

"Average." He mumbles with a nod as I rubbing my thumb against his knuckles.

"Xanthia Robertson." Ms. Schwartz calls and I look to her smug expression. "Answer the question, please."

I open my mouth in anticipation for humiliation but the bell rings just in time, making her expression fall and mine to break out into a grin. I scoot my desk away, packing everything up and Jasper walks me out of the class with his arm slung over my shoulder and mine wrapped around his lower back. Spotting Rosalie and Emmett, I steer Jasper and I towards them.

"Hey guys." I grin and Rosalie looks at me and folds her arms, trying to hide her fondness. Emmett grins right back and messes up my hair.

"Hey Jazz." He greets and they fist bump, "Sorry Thea, I'm gonna have to steal him from you. We have gym." Emmett grins and I nod, letting Jasper go.

"I'll see you in lunch, okay?" I say to him and he nods.

"Bye guys. Bye Rosalie!" I cheer and hug her, amusing Jasper and Emmett.

"Get off of me!" She shouts and I grin up at her before skipping off to Edward who was preoccupied with his locker.

"Hey!" I greet as he closes his locker and leans against it to look at me. Well, study me would be more accurate since the boy can never not snoop around in someone else's mind.

"You make it so easy." He says and starts walking to English, we're in the same class.

"I make what easy?" I ask, tilting my head to the side as I look at his side profile. The smallest smile graces his face as he looks down at me with amusement.

"Acting human."

"I'm just over all amazing." I joke and he nudges me away, so I come back and throw myself into him, making him "stumble." He looks to me with a raised eye brow and I trot off ahead in victory.

I take my seat in the back, Edward to my left, and take out my folder, resting my chin on my hand and folding one leg over the other. I huff and stare at the board when I hear Edward chuckle. I look to him with a raised eye brow and he shakes his head, so I tell him to tell me over and over again in my mind.

"Alright, Alright!" He whisper shouts, making me grin. "Leonard, the one on the opposite side of the room, in the front." He says and I sneak a glance over to him. He's an average Joe, nothing extraordinary about him, no weird quirks either. I look back at Edward, so what?

"He keeps thinking about you and Rosalie." He says, making a nasty facial expression and then laughing as mine turns into one of sheer horror.

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