RIDDLE (edited)

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It's been a week and everything is going well, Kunti and the Pandavas are still at kampilya.

Waking up and doing her daily routine Aadhya felt the urge to hold a sword and practice. Roaming around she came across princess Shrikhandini in the practice room. Joining her she got Shrikhandini's attention, and requested, "pranipat princess Shrikhandini. May I have a sparring match of the sword with you? I have been wanting to hold a sword for a long time. And who can be a better opponent than you." Hearing her reply Shrikhandini replied, "pranipat princess Aadhya, well, of course, we can have a sparring match, I would love a partner" making Aadhya smile in reply. After warming up and getting the grip Aadhya asked, "shall we start?" and Shrikhandini nodded in reply and they started the sparring match.

The sound of swords clashing could be heard, dodging, attacking, counter-attacking, both were not giving up, not wanting the other to win they both attacked trying to take the lead or put the opponent in a tough spot, Aadhya was enjoying every bit of it, she was smiling the whole time while she was sparing. After all, she held a sword after such a long time. After the sparing match was over, both were wiping their sweat when Shrikandini commented, "I guess you really love swords, you were smiling the whole time."

Aadhya looked towards her and replied, "yes I do love them, since I held the sword in my hand I knew it was going to be my specialty I felt connected to the sword. And how can I not enjoy I had such a amazing sparring partner to spare with." Making Shrikhandini smile at the comment. Then a voice comes, "jiji!! oh even you are here Aadhya good I want to tell you guys something" said Draupadi coming in. They turned to her and Draupadi continued, "jiji I was searching for you because Maha mantri Vidur has come here to meet mata Kunti, Aadhya, and aryas." Hearing this Aadhya smiles and excitedly asked, "kakashree Vidur is here!! really!!? where is he?"

Both smile at her excitement, before Draupadi replies, "right now he is in the sabha, arya and mata are there as well, I was going to call you after jiji" Aadhya asked, "well can I go ahead, please!!" Draupadi replied, "of course you can." Hearing this Aadhya rushed to meet her kakashree. How can she not be happy, he is like a father figure to her and, who wouldn't like to meet their own after a long time. Running through the corridor Aadhya almost bumped into Avyukt. Aadhya steadied herself and Avyukt questioned, "aree!! Aadhya careful, easy, where are you going in so much hurry?" Aadhya excitedly replies, "well kakashree Vidur is here I'm going to see him, come let's go!!" She started dashing again making Avyukt laugh at her innocence and excitement. Draupadi and Shrikhandini joined Krishna and Draupadi asked, "what are you laughing at sakha?" Krishna turns and says, "just at someone's excitement and innocence." They together walked to the sabha.

Aadhya touched Vidur's feet to take his blessings and gives him a huge smile. He smiles back after blessing her. And he says, "putri Aadhya I'm so glad to see you are doing well, I have missed you so much." Aadhya commented, "of course everyone would miss an amazing person like me." making everyone shook their head at her comment she continued, "how are you kakashree, how is everyone?" to which Vidur replied, "I'm well putri, others you will have to see yourself as I have come here to take you guys back to hastinapur" making Aadhya stop smiling and look at Kunti who nodded in reply making her feel assured.

Everyone joined and then Vidur looked at Arjun and Draupadi saying, "come here both of you, let me bless the newly wedded couple." Everyone shared A knowing look with each other. After knowing all five Pandavas married Draupadi and the reason he was in shock and denial but accepted knowing they had their reasons. He went to rest after they decided they will leave for Hastinapur in two days.

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