Chapter 53

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Aadhya then looked at everyone and announced, "Till bharata Arjun doesn't come back from his exile I won't get married." 

Hearing this everyone looked at her shocked. Kunti then said, "Aadhya how can you say that!! You can't do that." Aadhya nodded a no and said, "This is the only way I can wash away my guilt." Kunti angry about her words said, "This wasn't your fault Putri, why would you decide such thing! What about Kanha then? Does he have to wait years for you!?"

Aadhya looked at Avyukt and said, "I could decided this because he agreed. Mata what else am I suppose to do? I won't marry without bharata Arjun not being there, I won't marry unless all my five bharatashree's are present to give me their blessings. And Avyukt agrees on my decision." 

No one spoke a word. They knew Aadhya won't budge from her decision. Draupadi seeing the situation get worse said, "There is still a way." 

Everyone turned to her and Kunti asked, "A way? What is it Putri?" Draupadi glanced at everyone and answered, "If she get's married right now, she won't have to wait for Arya Arjun for years and get blessings from all of her brothers. Arya Arjun can leave for his exile after Aadhya's wedding." 

Kunti hearing the solution said, "Yes!! We can do that!! Aadhya let's do that!!" All the brothers agreed to it. Seeing Aadhya not convinced Arjun said, "Aadhya, please don't take a step which would leave you in sadness. You will do anything for us right? Then my wish is that before I proceed with my exile I want to see you get married and give you my blessing." 

Aadhya looked at Arjun with sadness and nodded, this was the first time Arjun has wished anything from her, she couldn't say no. Aadhya nodded a yes and said, "Okay let's do that, I will marry Avyukt today." 

Everyone smiled with mixed feelings, happy about Aadhya's marriage but sad about what's going to happen next. Bheem seeing everyone down laughed and said, "Wy are you guys sad!? Aadhya is getting married, let's get ready and enjoy it!! We can't be sad!!!" 

Everyone nodded and smiled. Draupadi added, "Arya Bheem is right, we have no time to think about anything else. We have so many preparations to do!! Let's get to work everyone!! Aadhya I can't wait to get you ready!!" Saying that Draupadi dragged Aadhya inside to get her ready. Kunti followed them. While the brothers took care of preparing all the things. 

Arjun seeing Krishna stand there said, "Mahadav shouldn't you go and get ready? After all it's your wedding as well!" Krishna smiled and said, "That is right, years of wait will finally end here today Parth. But what saddens me is the later part." 

Arjun smiled and said, "Mahadav think all of that later, for now focus on getting married! I don't want to send you guys with any sadness, I want it to be a happy event, so I can smile and remember this day." 

Nakul who came to get Kanha said, "You are right bharata Arjun, today our Aadhya is getting married, we can't let it be a sad day!"  Sahadev who was behind him added, "Exactly, how can we be sad on her big day when she always made us smile. Now let's go bharata Krishna we came to get you." Krishna nodded and went with the twins. 

On the way Nakul teased, "Bharata Krishna tell me one thing." Krishna smiled looking and Nakul and asked, "Yes?" Nakul asked, "When Aadhya said she won't marry you till bharata Arjun returns where you in shock?" 

Krishna laughed hearing this and said, "Not at all, instead I thought if I waited so long, it doesn't matter if I wait longer."

Sahadev asked, "Did you really not mind?" Krishna gave them a charming smile and nodded a no. 


Here Aadhya was being bathed after she was applied with haldi. She was still sad about the event, Kunti looking at her said, "Putri, you know your father used to be protective of you, so I would always teased him asking what would he do if you get married." 

Kunti giggled remembering the conversation. Aadhya's mind diverted to the conversation and she asked, "What would pitahshree say then Mata?" Kunti smiled and answered, "He would not say anything, he always became so sad thinking about sending you away. He would then go to you and hug you. Even Madri teased him sometimes saying that he loves you very much." 

Aadhya smiled and said, "That he did, I'm sure he still loves all of us." Kunti nodded and said, "You know what he would say to Madri when she commented that?" Aadhya nodded a no. 

Kunti answered, "He would say, "Well daughters are meant to be spoiled with our love because they come to give and teach us true love." Aadhya smiled at the words and said, "I'm so blessed to have a pitashree like him. In fact I'm blessed to have you all in my life mata." 

Kunti kept a hand on Aadhya's cheek and said, "So are we putri, we couldn't ask for anything else!" Saying that Kunti washed the haldi away and smiled seeing Aadhya in a better mood.

Aadhya and Kunti got out and saw Draupadi standing there with a bright smile. Seeing them Draupadi said, "Come Aadhya!! I prepared the dress for you! I can't wait to dress you up! I remember how you helped me." Aadhya smiled and followed Draupadi. Kunti was called by a dasi to check something.

Draupadi helped her change her clothes then made her sit down on the dressing table. Seeing Draupadi so cheerful Aadhya said, "Bhabhi, I'm sorry, you have to get me ready even though you must be sad." 

Draupadi sighed looking at the overthinking friend of her and said, "Aadhya I will be sad, but that is for the later, right now I'm happy that you are getting married, and if you can be sad with me during my sad moments then can't I be happy with you about such big day? Plus what Arya Arjun did is something to be proud of, he did it for our Indraprastha, we shouldn't be sad but happy. So now stop your guilt trip and be happy you are finally marrying Govind!" 

Aadhya smiled and nodded. She thought, 'Bhabhi is right, I should stop thinking about the later and enjoy the moment, even bharata Arjun would want that, I shouldn't ruin the excitement with being in guilt. Let's calm down. That reminds me, I have to thank and apologize to Avyukt. He said yes to me knowing what's in my mind. He was ready to wait for me for so much years. I'm truly blessed with everything. Avyukt you always show me just how much you love me, I shouldn't go back on that. I love you Avyukt, I wish I can say this to you soon. I couldn't ask a better partner then you Avyukt, after we officially become one I will not miss a chance to show my love for you.'

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