Chapter 46

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Aadhya entered the room and looked around. She saw the room beautifully decorated with flowers, seeing the flowers made her happy and she calmed down a little, she then heard someone walking close to her. Aadhya who couldn't face the prince in guilt looking down says, "sorry that I arrived late and kept you waiting. Before we talk about anything else I would like to tell you a truth, I have someone else I love and we both plan on marrying each other. I'm so sorry!" Aadhya stopped when she saw legs in front of her.

The prince who heard all this looked at Aadhya with a smile and said, "one who wants to apologize should look into the eyes of the person they are apologizing to priye." Aadhya hearing this familiar voice looked up and said, "YOU!!! Avyukt!? are you the one mata chose for me!?"

Kanha smiled and answered, "didn't I say you might end up liking bua's choice?" Aadhya walks forward and hits Kanha lightly on the chest but Kanha holds her hand pulls her towards him and hugs her. Aadhya puts her hands down enjoying his warmth and said, "how could you not tell me this!? do you know how much your words had hurt me!"

Kanha laughed and hugged Aadhya and said, "I had no choice priye, your bharatashrees had told me to do so, rather they blackmailed me that if I don't do this they will not allow me to marry you." Aadhya looked at him surprised, "wait do they know about us?" how?" Aadhya asked breaking the hug.

Kanha nodded and said, "yes they do, bharata Yudhishthir saw us at the pond and overheard our conversation." Hearing this Aadhya keeps her hands on her face embarrassed about the fact and says, "oh god, that is so embarrassing." Kanha hugged her again and said, "well I have to say, you look beautiful like this love." Aadhya blushing hugged him and asked, "thank you, so how did bharatashrees talked with you?"

Kanha sighed and said, "well let's sit down and talk, shall we?" Aadhya nodded and they settled down. Aadhya was glad there were snacks and tea kept, so serving both of them she said, "I had been starving!!" Avyukt chuckled and said, "okay then you enjoy the snacks and listen to what I say." Aadhya nodded while taking a bite of the snacks. Seeing her innocent face Avyukt smiled and continued.

Flash Back

After seeing Aadhya and Krishna like that, Yudhishthir walked towards Kunti's room as she had called for him, he was in his thoughts, sinking in the scene he just saw, reaching the room he saw others were there as well, he then said, "mata you called for me?"

Kunti smiled and answered, "yes putra, since you all are here let me tell you the reason I called you all here." To which Arjun said, "mata Aadhya isn't here yet, let's wait for her." Kunti smiled and said, "I didn't call her, the thing I want to talk about is about Aadhya, so I thought before talking with her it's better to ask your opinion on that."

Everyone nodded and Kunti said, "I want to talk about Aadhya's marriage, she is at the right age and I have a good partner in mind for her." Hearing this Draupadi stopped smiling, thinking about Aadhya and Govind and said, "mata I think Aadhya's presence is required here, what if she has someone in her mind already?"

Hearing this Bheem laughed at said, "are Draupadi, how will she know about all this? she hasn't met any princes yet, we never had a chance to socialize properly. So I think the person mata has chosen would be the best for our Aadhya."

Draupadi got more nervous and seeing her like this Yudhishthir asked, "Draupadi do you know something, that we should know?" Draupadi was about to tell them but stopped thinking it was Aadhya's right to announce and lowered her gaze not knowing what to do, seeing her reaction Yudhishthir knew that she knows about them and said, "that means you know about Aadhya and Krishna."

Draupadi looked up and asked, "arya how did you know?" And the others had a questioning gaze to know what they were talking about. Kunti asked, " what are you guys talking about putra, Draupadi?"

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