Chapter 54

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Aadhya smiled and nodded. She thought, 'Bhabhi is right, I should stop thinking about the later and enjoy the moment, even bharata Arjun and everyone else would want that, I shouldn't ruin the excitement with being in guilt. Let's calm down. That reminds me, I have to thank and apologize to Avyukt. He said yes to me knowing what's in my mind. He was ready to wait for me for so many years. I'm truly blessed with everything. Avyukt you always show me just how much you love me, I shouldn't go back on that. I love you Avyukt, I wish I can say this to you soon. I couldn't ask a better partner then you Avyukt, after we officially become one I will not miss a chance to show my love for you.'

Kanha hearing Aadhya's thoughts smiled and in his head said, 'Priye, you already proved how much you have loved me in your last life, this time it's my turn to love you. I will fulfill my promise to you, I still remember with the amount of love you used to do everything for me, this time I shall shower you with my love.'


Seeing Aadhya smile happily Draupadi smiled in relief. Draupadi then says, "Now Aadhya see the lengha I prepared for you! I'm sure you will find it beautiful!" Saying this Draupadi ordered the maids to get Aadhya's wedding attire.

Looking at the dress Aadhya was amazed! she excitedly asked, "Wow bhabhi, where did you find the dress from? And how did you buy one so fast? That too this beautiful?"

Draupadi smiled and said, "Well my dear sakhi, mata shree and I called some sellers yesterday while you were of practicing your sword fighting. So seeing this dress I knew it would suit you. Even mata liked it very much, so we had to buy it, we were excited about your wedding so we ended up shopping for you. We even bought you some jewelry." 

Aadhya smiles and says, "It's really beautiful bhabhi! I loved it." Draupadi smiles and says, "I'm glad you like it, now we don't have to just keep looking at it, come on you have to wear it! There is so little time left!! only four hours are left for me to get you ready and the-"

Aadhya hearing "only four hours" asked, "Bhabhi we have four hours, that's more then enough time to get me ready." Draupadi sighed and said, "Aadhya it's your wedding! Even four hours is less, now don't waste any time and we have to get you ready come on." Aadhya thought, 'Just what all things is bhabhi going to do that even four hours is less? I'm getting scared for some reason.'

Aadhya nodded and sat down. After around forty five mins Aadhya sighed tiredly and asked, "How much longer?"

The maids giggled and one of them answered, "Well Rajkumari we just got started, after the hair, there are many more things, After that you will be wearing your lengha." 

Aadhya sighed and said, "I see, I'm happy to get married, but is this all necessary?" One of the personal maid of Aadhya teased her asking, "Is it because you can't wait to marry the love of your life Rajkumari?" 

Hearing the question everyone giggled and looked at Aadhya to see her reaction. Aadhya blushed a little, Draupadi who entered after finishing the work hearing maids question says, "Don't tease my sakhi, of course she would be happy right now." Aadhya just smiled in reply. 

Draupadi then started to help Aadhya to put on some jewelry and suggested the flower arrangement. Soon three hours went on and Aadhya was finally fully ready. (Her OOT is at the end of the chapter.)

Looking at her everyone present in the room gasped in surprise at how breathtaking Aadhya looked. Draupadi puts a black tikka behind Aadhya's ears and says, "Sakhi, you look so pretty right now, you are the most beautiful bride I have ever seen." Aadhya smiled and said, "Bhabhi, you compliment me too much." 

Draupadi nodded a no and said, "No words are enough to compliment your looks."  The maids nodded and joined the conversation and started showering Aadhya with compliments.

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