Chapter 52

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Aadhya was a tough fight for Takshak. He never expected this from her. He then decided to use his maya to distract her. He used the illusion of a soldier being bitten by one of his snake. But Aadhya knew it was an illusion and attacked him. 

They fought for around more than ten minutes when Takshak was trying to find a way. Seeing a soldier still around the cows, finding a way out. Takshak smiled.

Aadhya turned to look at what Takshak was looking at and seeing that she scremed, "Run away soldier!!" Saying that she went to him so she could protect him. 

While here Takshak released one of his poisons snake towards the soldier knowing very well that Aadhya would save the soldier, he planned to use this time so he could think of a strategy. 

Here Aadhya dashed towards the soldier and pushed him out of the way, Takshak finding this as an good opportunity released more snakes on Aadhya casing one of the snake to bite her on the arm. Aadhya clenched her head due to the dizziness and tried to fight the effect of the poison but failed and fainted. 


Feeling the pain of Aadhya, Krishna's eyes shaded one more tear. He thought, 'Oh priye, I wish I could be there with you right now, but if I come the destiny would change it's course and I can't intertwine in that. Your pain, I can't bare it priye, please hang in there for me, Parth must be on his way!! For now all I can do is take your pain away." 


 Takshak seeing Arjun come thought 'If only the Princess didn't arrive I would have fled away!! How was she so strong to almost defeat me! Now Arjun is here, I have to do something fast!!' 

Arjun reached the forest and seeing Aadhya fall down he rushed towards her and screamed, "Aadhya what happened!?" But seeing her unconscious he clenched his Gandiv and said, "I'm sorry Aadhya, I arrived late." 

Saying that he picked her up and kept her on her horse. He then went a little ahead hearing the noise of cows. He looked around and pointed his Gandiv in the sky and shoot an arrow at a point. Suddenly the illusion disappeared and he was able to see the cows. Suddenly Takshak started to attack him from below the land. Arjun ran while finding a way. 

After running to place away from the cows, he jumped out of the way. Seeing that Takshak came from the below and attacked Arjun by releasing snakes on him. Arjun defended himself by making a shield.

Before Takshak could do that again Arjun shoot an fire arrow on him making a fire circle around Takshak, making it impossible for Takshak to leave. Arjun puts his bow aside and said, "Takshak, admit your defeat and I shall extinguish the fire."

Taksha scoffed and said, "I will never admit defeat to you Pandavas!!! Even if death is before me! So kill me Pandu putra!" To which Arjun replied, "I can't do that, as I have taken an oath to not kill serpents. But until you accept your defeat I shall fight you!"

Takshak looked around and seeing no way out he sighed and looking around knowing he had no way out said, "I accept my defeat for now Pandu putra Arjun, but the moment we meet again I shall take my revenge!" 

Arjun smiled with confidence and said, "I will be waiting for that day Takshak! I shall fight you that day as well." Saying that Arjun shoot an arrow to extinguish the fire. Takshak went away and Arjun rushed towards Aadhya. Seeing her turn pale he rushed back to Indraprastha with the cows and the soldiers.

Here in Indraprastha everyone waited anxiously for Arjun and Aadhya to return.  Everyone seeing the cows smiled. Then they saw Arjun's figure in the back. But what they saw besides him scared them. Aadhya was lying on the horse. 

The guards came and took the cows away. While everyone rushed to Arjun and Aadhya's side. Kunti seeing Aadhya so pale asked, "Putra Arjun what's going on!? Why is Aadhya like this? And why her complex so pale!?" 

Arjun not wasting any time got down of the horse and with urgency he said, "Nakul, Sahadev ask the serpents to take away poison from Aadhya's body right now! We don't have much time!!" Hearing this everyone present there gasped. Kunti sobbed in worry while Nakul carried away Aadhya while Sahadev went to the serpents. 

Arjun looked at Kunti and said, "Forgive me mata I didn't reach on time which caused Aadhya to get poisoned! The soldier who were conscious said she got poisoned while protecting them." 

Kunti cried and said, "Why is god taking such test! First you will have to go to exile and now Aadhya getting poisoned!?  What if something happens to her! Why did she have to go all alone!!!"

Draupadi hugged Kunti and said, "Mata please calm down, nothing will happen to Aadhya." Yudhishthir added, "Yes mata, we should go to her." 

All nodded, they were about to go when Bheem seeing Arjun just stand there asked, "Arjun why aren't you coming?" Arjun smiled and answered, "Bharata I can't enter the palace till I complete my exile. You guys go, and give me updates about Aadhya, I will wait here! I will go for my exile after knowing she is safe." 

All looked at him sadly, but nodding to his request they went to check upon Aadhya. Reaching there they saw the serpent removing the poison out of Aadhya's body. Kunti rushed to Aadhya and held her hand and said, "Putri wake up fast!! Why did you go alone!! Please wake up!!! Hey! Mahadev please protect my child!! Mata Parvati you are the one who gave me my daughter please don't let anything happen to her!!" Kunti prayed.

All of them were praying to god, while Avyukt looked at his priye sadly, seeing her in this condition was unbearable for him. After fifteen minutes Aadhya's complexion slowly got better and she soon gain consciousness. She opened her eyes and looked around. Everyone sighed in relief seeing her awake. Kunti hugged Aadhya and said, "Do you have any idea how much you scared me!!!? Why did you go all alone!! You should have told your brothers the situation!!"

Draupadi offering her water nodded in agreement and said, "Yes Aadhya do you have any idea how worried we were when you and Arya Arjun went like that!!??" 

Aadhya who just drank a little water turned around and looked at everyone and not seeing Arjun she asked, "Where is bharata Arjun? Is he okay? Was he hurt!!?? What about the cows?" Everyone put the heads down in sadness and seeing that Aadhya got up and said, "Why is no one saying anything? What happened?" 

Yudhishthir then answered, "To save the cows Arjun went inside Draupadi's chamber without her permission so he is outside waiting for the news of your recovery." Aadhya understanding the situation rushed towards the entrance.

Seeing him stand there Aadhya rushed towards him and hugged him and said, "I'm so sorry bharata Arjun! please forgive me!!" Arjun seeing Aadhya all good sighed in relief and smiling said, "Aadhya why do you apologize."

Aadhya breaking the hug said, "If I came to you instead of rushing to stop Takshak then you wouldn't have to be in this situation now! I'm so sorry!" Saying that Aadhya cried.

Arjun wiped Aadhya's tears and said, "You didn't do anything wrong, Even I would have rushed to stop Takshak as soon as I heard that and because I did that I will face the consequence, this is not your fault at all Aadhya, instead you reaching there early gave us time to stop him before he could successfully flee away with the cows. Now don't cry and wish me a safe journey with a smile."

Aadhya with teary eyes nodded a no and said, "I can't do that bharata, only because I didn't think before I acted-" Arjun cuts her off and said, "Stop being sad for the thing which is not your fault Aadhya, this was all destined."

Yudhishthir added, "Yes Aadhya, think how much would his experience while he is in exile help us. Don't be sad. Instead we should feel proud about his decision for Indraprastha." Aadhya still feeling guilt looked at her family, seeing Avyukt she froze. Aadhya remembered their engagement announcement, but realizing that her brother Arjun wouldn't be with her she had a thought, but thinking that she looked at Avyukt sadly. Krishna smiled at her and nodded his head, seeing that Aadhya made her mind. 

Aadhya then looked at everyone and announced, "Till bharata Arjun doesn't come back from his exile I won't get married."

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