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The whole Pandu family sat down for dinner and talked about the day when Bheem said, "mata now I can eat your handmade ladoos every day when we go to Khandavprasth." Aadhya smiled getting a idea and said, "bharata Bheem with lots of joy I have to inform you that mata's attention will be from someone else from now on." To which Nakul said, "Aadhya you are right her attention will be on me as I'm her favorite after all." Aadhya faked a laugh and said, "it's not you or me it's going to be someone else." Finishing what she said Aadhya glanced at Draupadi.

Nakul seeing Aadhya glance at Draupadi said, "oh yes now that her daughter-in-law has come she will only care about her." Aadhya looked at Nakul and said, "bharata Nakul you are wrong, there is someone else." Bheem looked frustrated and said, "Aadhya don't talk in puzzles and tell us who you are talking about." Aadhya giggled at Bheem's reaction and said, "well I think bhabhi should answer your question." Hearing this everyone looked at Draupadi to hear what this is all about. Draupadi got shy at the attention and said, "well the person to steal mata's attention will be coming in few months." 

Hearing this the Pandavas smiled and everyone congratulated Yudhishtir and Draupadi and ate dinner happily. Since no one was sleepy they all thought to recall their memories in Hastinapur. They all laughed and enjoyed the sweet and sour memories they had in Hastinapur.


Aadhya was in her chamber looking at the moon with some thoughts when a maid came and asked, "Rajkumari maha mahim Bhisma asks permission to enter" Aadhya got up and said, "let him come." The maid went out to give the message. Bhisma entered and Aadhya said, "Pranipat pitamah, why would you come you could have called me." Bhisma smiled hearing this and said, "I just wanted to come here and tell you something important." Aadhya looked at him curiously and said, "what is it that you want to talk pitamah?."

Bhisma looked at her a little sad and said, "putri I give you the task to always show your brothers the right path in whatever they do as I know you will never let injustice happen." Hearing this the smile from Aadhya's smile faded and she asked with teary eyes, "pitamah why are you saying this? You will be there to guide all of us, then why?" Bhisma kept a hand on Aadhya's shoulder and said, "putri sometimes the elder has to make sacrifices for the happiness of the family." Aadhya finally let the tears flow and said, "for our rights, you gave up your freedom pitamah, why would you do that?" Bhishma smiled and replied, "I did this so dharma could be established and in hope that there will be peace in our family now."

Aadhya looked at Bhisma with the look saying I will not let your sacrifice go to waste and said, "pitamah I promise I will try my best to guide them." Hearing this Bhisma kept his hand on Aadhya's head and said, "I know that's why I came to you, now putri I shall take my leave as it is getting late and you guys have a long day ahead." Aadhya nodded and said, "good night pitamah." Bhisma nodded and left.

Aadhya laid down on the bed thinking how Bhisma won't have peace till the end and slept feeling guilty for her grandfather.


After doing puja Aadhya went to Ganga, after praying and giving respects to mata Ganga Aadhya sat there for a while in calmness. She was returning and saw Karna, thinking to talk she went towards him and said, "pranipat angraj." Karna turned towards her and said, "pranipat rajkumari Aadhya." As they were talking Aadhya saw some shadvi coming and saw Karna giving daan. Aadhya then starts to think about how angraj is such a good human yet he takes the side of Shakuni and Duryodhan. She was in thoughts when Karna said, "what are you thinking rajkumari Aadhya?" Aadhya smiles coming out of her thoughts and replies, "just thinking about how nice of a person you are." Karna looks at her and said, "well it's you who just realized that rajkumari." 

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