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I was walking with bharata bheem as it was my turn but after like a good hour we heard aadhya saying "are! how did I come up here? I was walking wasn't I?" and she tried to get down but I stopped her saying "aadhya you better not get down" but she replied "why not bharata? and how did I end up here and you there?" I sighed saying "aadhya you fainted so we decided to take turns in walking so you get enough rest, and now stop asking more questions and rest for some more time" I said this with giving her a warning glare but she still said "now I had enough rest already bharata, you take a rest and let me walk" but before I could say anything, jesth bharata said "aadhya you better listen to him before arjun wakes up and you know then, you don't want that do you?" seeing her expression change me, bharata bheem, jesth bharata and sahadev started laughing knowing we finally won against aadhya.

After sometime I saw that everyone was resting but we stopped when we heard mata say "putra bheem I'm very thirsty I need water I can't bare it anymore" hearing her say this we both realized that we have went without water long enough and then bharata bheem said "mata look we can hear the birds chirping you guys wait here and I will be back with water before you know it and nakul you keep a watch on them"  I nodded in response and bharata bheem kept everyone down and went to look for water where he heard the noise of birds chirping and I just sat till bharata bheem got us water as I myself have become really tired.


I was awaken with the feeling of being kept down and I slowly opened my eyes to see bharata bheem walking away, I got up and saw bharata nakul sitting down and I asked "what happened where did bharata bheem go?" and bharata nakul replied "oh! you are awake, bharta bheen has went to get us some water as mata is very thirsty" I nodded as a response as I my self felt really thirsty and looked at mata and saw her state and felt sad about how mata is suffering. I then looked around the vaan feeling strange about it and I noticed how there is no light entering the vaan and feeling fimilar feeling about this, after few seconds it hit me that why I'm having this strange feelings we have entered a vaan which has illusions and is made with maya, starting to think where are we actually, I then remembered pitashree telling me the story of the vaan of hidimb and how no human should enter this place I just sighed in response and saw that everyone started to wake up.


Finally seeing the lake I smiled in happiness and went towards it taking some water in my palms and drinking it, drinking each sip felt like I'm regaining my energy bit by bit and after drinking enough water I made a huge container with lotus leaves and went back towards mata and others.


I woke up and saw we were resting and bheem wasn't here and saw mata leaning against the tree with dry lips and half opened eyes, aadhya was awake and sat with taking the support of the tree and nakul taking a rest as well, turning to look at arjun and sahadev I saw they were getting up as well and then I noticed our surroundings and felt a strange feeling and looked at aadhya and she in reply nodded making it sure that what I was thinking is right and we have entered the vaan of hidimb before I could say anything bheem came towards us with a large container made with leaves which contains water and went towatds mata and fed her some water then came towards me and one by one fed everyone water.

After drinking water I looked at them and said "it looks like we have entered the vaan of hidimb and we can't get out without defeating their king" and nakul asked "what do you mean jesth?" and I replied "this vaan is of the rakshas named hidimb and if any human enters they will be eaten by them and the only way out is defeating the king" and then arjun said "mata I think we should have a proper rest and sleep for some time" she gave me a worried look asking weather it was safe to sleep or not and I nodded in reply saying "it's safe mata nothing will happen" she let out a small sigh and went to sleep and we all lied down to have a rest as well.

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