Chapter 51

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Aadhya walking inside thought to ask Draupadi what she wanted to have  for supper.  She went around trying to find her. After a while she found Kunti and Draupadi together. She smiled seeing them and asked, "What are you guys talking about mata?" 

Both the women turned to her with a smile and Kunti replied, "Oh nothing Putri, I was just suggesting her somethings for pregnancy." Aadhya nodded and said, "Oh I see, that reminds me, bhabhi what would you like to have for dinner?" 

Draupadi smiled and said, "Hmm I don't feel like eating anything particular, so you can make whatever you want to learn." Aadhya smiled and said, "Okay! bhabhi tomorrow you teach me something! It will be fun to learn from you as well." Draupadi nodded and said, "Okay then I will do that." 

The day went by, Aadhya cooked today's dinner as well. After dinner Kunti called Krishna saying she wants to talk with him. While Aadhya went to take a stroll after having a small sword practice with Nakul. She was thinking about how after the pooja her engagement will be announced.  At dinner that was the topic of discussion as tonight all the cow's would be coming. 

Aadhya was about to return back when she saw a soldier running towards the palace in panic. She went towards him and asked, "What happened? why are you in such a hurry." The soldier stopped and said, "Princess Takshak naag has taken the one lakh cow's and ran away with them towards the north!" 

Hearing this Aadhya becomes serious and asks, "What about other soldiers who were with you?" The soldier answered, "Most of them have fainted as he poisoned them with his venom."

Aadhya than said, "Okay I will go there, you announce the situation to my brothers! tell them I went ahead." Saying this Aadhya started to run towards the forest.  

Krishna entered Kunti's chamber and asked, "Bua you called for me?" Kunti smiled looking at him and said, "Yes, putra I wanted to tell you something." 

Krishna smiled and said, "Oh yes, please say." 

Kunti smiled and said, "I know you are the best person for Aadhya. But as a mother I worry a lot about her. I just wanted to tell you that our Aadhya is a person who always puts others need before her, so please take care of her needs as well. She won't tell about her problems to you if it's not needed, but I hope you can be there for her. She is our source of happiness, I'm sure she will fill our Dwarka with happiness as well. And if she makes any mistakes-"

Kanha held Kunti's hands and said, "Bua, don't worry so much! Aadhya is loved by all even in Dwarka. They will be happy with the news about our marriage. In fact they would love to have Aadhya as their daughter." Kunti smiled with a relief on her face and said, "You are right putra, I hope you didn't mind that I called you here to talk about that." 

Hearing this Krishna smiled and nodding a no he said, "Not at all Bua, you are a mother, I understand how you must be feeling, letting go of your daughter, who you have loved and taken such good care of. But I assure you, I will take care of Aadhya and never make her sad nor let any troubles or sufferings near her." 

Kunti smiled and putting a hand on Krishna's cheeks she said, "Thank you putra your words put me at ease!" 

Krishna who was smiling suddenly stopped smiling and looked away while a tear fell from his eyes. Seeing him like that Kunti who was worried asked, "What happened putra? Why is there a tear in your eyes?" 

Krishna looked at Kunti and answered, "I'm just sad about destiny's play Bua." Hearing this Kunti looks at him seriously and with worried voice she asked, "What do you mean putra? Why do you say such things?" 

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