part 06

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Rest of the two days went in just organising the files and report of the patients that were sent online to you. You were still on your training course so all you had to do was talk to patience and make a report of them and learn their treatment in presence of a senior psychiatrist.

Work was not as stressful as before because you always had some time for yourself and rest. Usually you would keep working for straight 7 hours, without rest. It was quite hectic. In the beginning you were debating whether you should quit or not.

But as you started to treating more and more people, your interest starting rising gradually. You started liking helping others. And to be honest it helped your anger issues more than you expected. You used to have a angry demeanour before, but now you get angry very little often. So it was helpful for you too.

Today is Sunday. As you promised your long lost friend to have a meet up today, not promised actually but you made a plan to meet him. You woke up before your alarm could wake you.

You flipped off the blanked over your body. And got up from the bed switching off the alarm, you made

Your way to freshen up.

You made a messy bun over your head. Brushing you teeths you later on proceed to take your clothes off and start the shower.

Your once happy morning bubble crusted as you saw a red spot in your white sweatpants.

You : perfect, just perfect.

You groaned in frustration.

Thinking the bedsheets will be ruined too you quickly took rest of your clothing. And took a good shower. You wrapped the towel around you body. And got out of the room.

You dressed your self in a yellow simple skirt with green polka dots which reached up to your knees. And made a high ponytail. (She didn't forgot you use pads, just I didn't mentioned it, I feel awkward 👉👈)

After getting ready you took off the bedsheets, you washed the red spot with a wet cloth and then threw both of them in the bucket of laundry.

You wore your yellow matching heels took your cell phone, car keys and went downstairs. You still had  about half hour so you decided to have breakfast with your family.

As you reached the dining table everyone was already there.

You : good morning.

You greeted everyone with your half ruined happiness.

I don't love anymore - J.jk | Y/n Where stories live. Discover now