part 27

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Dad : let's go, and let her rest.

Y/n's mother : I'll stay here with her.

Everyone nodded and left the room except Jungkook and your mother.

Y/n's mother : Jungkook?

Your mother called for Jungkook who was sitting on one side of the bed holding your hand in his, just looking at you. His head shot up hearing his name.

Jungkook : yes, Amma?

Y/n's mother : thank you for being with her all this time. It was seriously too much for anyone to handle.

Jungkook : why are you thanking me, I'm the reason of all this. You should thank Taehyung, he's been with her, when she needed support.

Y/n's mother : I know I owe him, we all do. But it was only your love which brought my old y/n back to me. So thank you.

Jungkook : still there's no need to thank me, my love for her is not a favour, it's my decision, and my purpose. I'll always love her.

Y/n's mother : please do.

In the meantime your dad got ready and left for the company. Namjoon went towards the kitchen with his mother to help prepare food for the rest of people. And Taehyung didn't came Infront of anyone.


An hour later you woke, feeling a little headache.

Y/n's mother : How you feel, now?

You : just have a headache.

Your mother nodded with a small smile on her face. You sat up straight, looking at your mother.

You : I'm sorry Amma.

Y/n's mother : it's ok. I get it you were scared. But please from now don't Keep things just to yourself.

You nodded your head. And then turned towards Jungkook, who was looking at you, with warm smile on his face, then you noticed he was holding your hand. You returned the smile, as you were about to say something, you mother interrupted.

Y/n's mother : I'll leave you both now, come down to have lunch okay?

I don't love anymore - J.jk | Y/n Where stories live. Discover now