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Hello to the readers who read this story and who are still reading.. to those also who got the notification of update.Today I'm here to talk a little about the actual plot of this story, like how I wanted this at the begining.

So you guys do remember the time when y/n had the nightmare of the day when she broke up with Jungkook. And then at the next chapter (I guess I don't remember actually) she gave jungkook a slap saying she will hurt him and stuffs.....
So after that I wanted the revenge of y/n on Jungkook. Like she would make him believe that she has forgiven him nd then she will give him the taste of his own medicine by breaking his trust over her.... just for the satisfaction she craves. And by that time everything will be fine fine, as in Jungkook finally being with his family, everything will be in good terms between Jungkook and Taehyung, plus Jimin and Taehyung relationship would be excepted by their families.
After the betrayal, everyone would hate y/n, because she did the wrong thing, most importantly chose the wrong way to satisfy herself.
This time y/n, would be the one away from her family, back in London.
But when the truth will come infront of Jimin that all of the thing y/n did to Jungkook were nothing but pure lie, he would try to bring y/n back, and for that he will confront Taehyung but he would just ignore it....
At last y/n's mother would be the one to go and meet her plus bring her back to seoul, which will be the hardest task for her because y/n keeps overworking herself and doesn't givesva chance to anyone to talk to her.
Her mother tries her best to bring y/n back but it becomes too late, and by that time Jungkook will announce his marriage with someone else.
Y/n's last conversation with her mother would be

y/n : if we keep hanging onto old memories we would do nothing but just hurt ourselves, it's better this way, he seems happy with her. And that's what matters the most, because atleast she is genuine with her feeling and won't hurt him like I did.

Y/n's mother : and what about you? Won't you move on?


The end.....

I don't love anymore - J.jk | Y/n Where stories live. Discover now