part 35

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I was lying on my room's bed. Everyone of us has been happy with their lives. Cause finally all the trouble has gone. Jungkook lives with his parents and I live with mine. But still there's one thing which bothers me. Which is our parents are not letting us meet till we get married. I don't know what fun they find in torturing us like this. The relief is that we can talk on video calls once in a day. And that's mostly in night.

He has started working in his father's company, as a CEO officially. So he is busy almost every hour. When he comes back home, after having dinner with his family, he calls before going to sleep. And as for me? I am still grounded. Same shit different day. But I'm not careless this time. I do take care of myself and my baby. It's finally 2 weeks now. And the next Sunday I'm going to get married to Jungkook.

And for ruining this beautiful day for me, my brother Taehyung is getting married to Jimin on the same fucking day. I mean this should be the special day for me. Everyone should focus on me, two marriage on the same day is really a bad idea. Tomorrow Jimin's partners will come from Busan. And my family will go to pick them from the airport except me.

I am wondering what Jungkook must be doing right now? It's nearly 1 am, and he hasn't called me yet. Rolling on the bed from right to left I tried to control my boredom. But that didn't help. So I decided to call him first. I opened the laptop which was placed above my head on the bed, all this time.

I opened Google duo. Typing his email I pressed the icon of invitation. I heard ringing for a long time. But he didn't picked up. Thinking he must be busy I left the folder, and decided to turn off the laptop. I lied down from my back on bed after placing the laptop on the corner.

I stood up from the bed turning the lights off again lying on the bed I placed the blanket over me, drifting off to sleep. Just then I heard loud bangs on my room's door. I groaned in annoyed throwing the blanket off I stood up marching towards the angrily. While the lights of my room were still off. I swear whoever it is I'll kill him.

I opened the door to find Taehyung standing Infront me with messy hairs. Looking like he just woke up from his sleep.

Me : what happened Tae?

I asked calmly because his sleep was ruined too. I can't blame him. But what happened for him to show up at this time.

Taehyung : your fiancé called to inform you he is waiting for you to pick up his calls.

He said with rather calm voice but the expression on his face was furious. He looked like he could kill anyone anytime. He doesn't let anyone ruin his sleep. Not even Jimin.

Me : I'm sorry. You can go to sleep.

I said with a weak smile. Poor him, if only I would have waited a little long he would be sleeping peacefully without interruption.

I don't love anymore - J.jk | Y/n Where stories live. Discover now