part 13

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You were sitting on a bench that was placed on the grassy ground near a small hillock for rock climbing, what an amazing preparation. They said they will take students for rock climbing and brought them to an adventure park, amazing.

You were the only one sitting on the bench while all the other teachers were taking group of students for another activities. Jungkook was guiding students for rock climbing. As he was really good at it. Looking at his muscular body everyone expected him to be good at sports and, he did stand on those expectations.

You were just sitting there with a boring expression on your face, didn't knew what you should do. As you were about to stand up you noticed a student getting tripped of from a hillock luckily the hight was not too much, you quickly made your way towards him. And signalled Jungkook that you got this and he should continue.

He was not badly injured just a little muscle pull dew to landing on his legs straight. You helped towards the bench you were previously sitting on. You gave him water of bottle to drink, he did and placed the bottle next to him. He was looking really down. So you decided to talk to him and cheer him up.

You were not that cruel to let anyone around you sad.

You : what happened? You look sad.

Him : I really wanted to go up there  and see the view.

You : oh

You didn't knew what to say now. So you just sat there, pressing your lips together. A little later you broke the silence again.

You: what's your name?

Him : I'm Jihoon from class 9A.

You : Well hello Jihoon. Do you want to go up there?

Jihoon : yes, is there any other way I can go there?

Well there is a way but if you told him he will he excited but not that much because that will be too plane not exciting experience, so you had an evil idea, immediately you lips turned into a smirk. You very well knew what you were going to do. But you still wanted to know if he is ok with that.

You : not any other way, but I can take you there if you want.

Jihoon : how miss?

You : you want to go there?

Jihoon : yes.

I don't love anymore - J.jk | Y/n Where stories live. Discover now