Chapter 16: The Chef Who's Crossed a Thousand Leagues

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It was morning. Soma was in bed, and was woken up by his father's voice through a megaphone.

Joichiro: Soma! Soma!

Soma: ....!

Joichiro: Are you up?

Soma: Yeah.

Joichiro: I'm in the kitchen right now. Bring your knives and come join me.

Soma then looks at the time.

Soma: Maybe he's prepping breakfast?


Soma was on his way to the kitchen with his knife briefcase.

Soma: Come to think of it, why'd dad come back to Japan? I wonder if he had some kind of job.

When he enters the kitchen he's greeted by his father.

Joichiro: Oh, there you are. You've sharpened your knives, right?

Soma: Of course. I did it last night so the smell of the whetstone'd dissipated over night.

Joichiro: Okay, good. Well, sorry to spring this on you, but I need you to show me how much you've grown...

Soma: Huh?

Joichiro: ...or not grown. Let's have our first cooking contest in a long time... Soma.

Soma: ....!?

The demonic aura Joichiro was exerting was terrifying.

The demonic aura Joichiro was exerting was terrifying

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But Soma just smiled.

Soma: I was wondering why you randomly came back. Is this why, Dad?

Joichiro: So, are you gonna do it or not?

Soma opened his briefcase, unwrap his bandage and pulled out his knife.

Soma: Of course I will!

(Last Night)

During the celebration, Satoshi was speaking with Joichiro.

Satoshi: Who would've guessed that Soma-kun and Yusuke-kun were children of former Elite Ten members?

Joichiro: *Laughs* Of course you wouldn't have. I don't know how Miyu-chan raised that Yusuke kid but I only trained Soma in diner cooking techniques. He must stand out from all the elites here.

Satoshi: You're right. But from the very first time I had a face off with Soma-kun, I knew he and Yusuke-kun would stir things up here. 

Joichiro: Oh?

(Flashback ends)

Joichiro and Soma were facing each other as they were ready to face off.

Joichiro: Well then, as for the theme... Hey, Judge. What do you want to eat?

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