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Sun shining through the tall tree leaves, cool wind blowing lightly, steady foot steps of two horses crunch dried leaves under their feet as they made their way through a forest.

"Beautiful weather isn't it today? I forget when was the last time experienced something like this." The woman said looking up at the trees with her eyes closed and a small smile on her lips. 

"Something like what?" asked the white haired man riding beside her. She opened her eyes and looked at him.

"This quietness, peacefulness, no humans around to bother." Said the woman.

"Aye, its been a while but I don't think your peacefulness is going to last." The man said. The woman furrowed her eyebrows as she sensed some people in distress. They ride their horses a little faster to the edge of the forest and saw a horrible scene unfold. The men in red murdering the people of a small Fey village merciless either it be women or children too. 

"The Red Paladins." The man said.

"We have to help them Geralt." The woman said as she watched the village in distress.

"No. It will only have them after us too Valerie and you know they won't stop." Geralt said.

"They are monsters too Geralt and they will come after us only if they live to tell others." Valerie said and ride towards the village.

"Fuck!" Geralt swear and ride after her. 

Once she was in between the chaos of the village she removed her metal sword and attacked a paladin who was about to kill a woman and her child. She beheaded him and hopped down from the horse. She killed several paladins saving kids and women. Few men of villages saw her and fought by her side. A group of paladins were coming towards her, she waved her hand casting a Aard spell towards them, it pushed the oncoming away from her to buy her some time then she attacked them. As she was busy fighting another paladin walked from behind her and attacked her but another big sword blocked it, the paladin man looked at the person who blocked it and there stood Geralt with a angry look on his face, he nodded no as to say 'not so good move' and stabbed the paladin dead. Valarie looked behind her as she killed the last paladin from the oncoming group, she smiled as she saw Geralt. He nodded at her and they continued to kill the paladins. Few minutes later, they killed the last paladin and the chaos has stopped. Both Witchers looked around the dead paladins. 

"Thought you wouldn't come." Valerie said.

"You know I always got your back." Geralt said extending his hand. Valerie smiled and grabbed his hand giving it a firm squeeze. The villagers approached them, both Witchers turned to the villagers.

"We thank you for saving us and our village but who are you?" One of the elder villager asked. Geralt stepped forward.

"Who we are doesn't matter but you can't stay here not after this, they will come back. So I suggest you to go somewhere where they can't find you." Geralt said.

"But where?" another villager asked.

"The mountains near Psoda, you will receive some aid and a hiding place there for a while." Valerie said.

"And for us, we should be on our way now." Geralt said and they left with their horses. The villagers thanked them one last time before they left. 

Two days later at dawn the Red Paladins reached the village, the villagers were long gone, the dead paladins lie there on the ground in their own blood. Few other paladins were picking up their fallen brothers for funerals. A man in grey cloak and hood walked between the dead bodies, examining their bodies. A old Paladin walked up to him.

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