Chapter 7

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Valerie ride back from where she came from, not too far from the Abbey she stopped in the middle of the road. She tied her horse to a tree and with her metal sword she walked in the woods by the side of the dirt road sensing the human in distress. Once she was near she heard few men, giving orders to prepare a death pyre. She climbed a tree without making a noise and found a good spot to watch as what was actually going on. There were few Red Paladins, preparing a cross pyre and there stood the Abbes tied to it. Valerie understood that Father Carden and The Weeping Monk found out that she and Nimue were fake nuns so they were punishing the Abbes for trying to help them. 'Filthy humans.' Valerie thought as they were killing anyone in the name of God, the Almighty. She snickered at them. The Abbes was still pleading that she doesn't deify God and she still remains truthful his service. Then Father Carden walked towards her with the Weeping Monk behind him.

"They should be punished who lies and meddles in the work of the Almighty." Father Carden says. Two paladins were standing with fire torch in their hands. 'Ooh, I would very much like to see you there burning in the fire of cleansing.' Valerie thought. Anger was boiling in her veins but from outside she kept her composure calm and no emotions on her face.  Her yellow eyes scanning the grounds and planning how to deliver some strategic moves to kill these basters. Then Father Carden leave with the Monk with him and the Abbes to die an painful death. Valerie smirked as she made a good plan in her head. She climbs down from the tree and without getting noticed she sweeps behind the death pyre of the Abbes. She took out a vial of black liquid and drink it in one sip, pain shots up her body but she didn't make a sound and fall to her knees, few seconds later she breaths deeply and stands up. The paladins with the torch came forward and lighted the wood to the pyre. Valerie mumbled a spell under her breath and the fire got sucked into her palm. The paladins were confused as why the fire isn't lighting up.

"Did you picked up wet wood?" One asks.

"No, I didn't. Look it's dry." Another one says.

"Then why isn't it lighting?" The first one asks. Valerie removed her knifes and aimed at the rope between the wrists of the Abbes untying her. When Abbes felt her hand loose she looked confused as well looking at her hands in front of her. The paladins noticed.

"Hey, she's free! Get her" one says, others rushes towards the Abbes on the pyre with their swords, just then Valerie walks out from behind the pyre and stands in front of the Abbes ( In full Witcher Mode). Her Witcher amour was on, black hooded cloak around her shoulders, metal sword strapped to her back and full black eyes like a demon glaring at the paladins. They all stopped in their tracks shocked, Valerie took a step back standing in fighting stance, before the paladins could say or shout and alert Father Carden and the Weeping Monk she raised her right hands towards the paladins and fire was thrown out at the paladins like a dragon's burning them to the crisp, she dodged few incoming arrows and burned the paladins who were hiding in the bushes and some behind the trees and firing arrows. Once everyone was dead Valerie put out her fire and looked around. Few of the tree trunks still burning with low fire and black burned wood and leaves on the ground. She turn around towards the Abbes. 

"Sister Rowena?" The Abbes spoke frightened after what she saw obviously.

"No, Valerie of Rivia." Valerie said her voice a bit husky due to the potion she drank.

"What are you?" The Abbes asked.

"I am a Witcher....Go, before Father Carden comes back. " Valerie says and the Abbes nods hurriedly and took off into the forest and Valerie went the as well towards her horse.

Father Carden was talking to the Monk, few moments later he was confused as he couldn't hear the agonizing screams of the Abbes, the Monk was confused too. They walked back to the death pyre only to find the paladins burned to toast lying on the ground and the Abbes gone. 

"God Almighty, The Wolf Blood Witch!" Father Carden says. The monk looks around.

"No." The monk says calmly. 

"What do you mean son?" Father Carden asks.

"It's not the Wolf Blood Witch. It's the Woman Warrior." The Weeping Monk says.

"I want her, dead or alive." Father Carden said and the Weeping Monk looked at him. 

"She isn't far." The Monk said and sprinted in the direction Valerie went. 

Valerie jogged towards her horse and let him loose. Suddenly she heard foot steps and heartbeat of a person few miles away. She pat her horse and told him to go in the forest. She drew her metal sword once again from its holster and ready to fight incoming attack. 

The Weeping Monk walked in the forest sensing the Woman Warrior, with his sword at ready he looked around cautiously. Behind on of the trees stood Valerie with the hood of her cloak up, she took a deep breath and ducked as an incoming blow of sword struck in the tree trunk right beside her face was. She rolled away from the tree and stood straight in front of the Monk. He couldn't see her face because of the hood but he didn't mind and raised his sword for another attack. Valerie parry skillfully and her feet glided across the ground for switching positions and attacking him as well. Swords clashing one another was the only sound could be heard, Valerie didn't needed to use her Witcher magic against him as the potion's effect didn't wear off. She was stronger, her senses were high and faster. The Weeping Monk found some difficulty to parry her blows sometimes, but he was fast enough, strong and taller then her. He parry her attack and managed to hit her under her chin hard enough. Valeire stumbled back and her hood of her cloak fell back around her shoulders. The Weeping Monk stood shocked there after seeing her but kept his face calm. He recognized her from the Abbey as Sister Rowena, those small delicate hands he pressed against the table didn't knew could wield the sword this good and deadly, those flushed cheeks by fear was now pale as corpse and the brown eyes he stared at in the convent was now whole black and streaks of black run down around her eyes. 

Valerie could hear his heartbeat which was rapid now, that made her confused. 'Is he afraid? or is he not well? Is he the same Weeping Monk who killed her brothers aswell?' She thought, but she's running out of time and she needed to reach Grimare to get Nimue, she needed to cut this fight off. The Monk once again stride towards her and attacked, but she blocked the attack, kicked his knee he fell on his knees but he pulled her leg and made her fall on her back, he climbed on top of her and brought his sword down towards her neck but she blocked it with her own. He pressed harder and she held back harder as well, then suddenly his grip loosened as he spotted the Witcher locket around her neck and his eyes went wide. Taking advantage she pointed three fingers at him casting the Arad spell and throwing him off her and across the ground. He landed on his back hard and once he sat straight Valerie was no where to be seen, She was quick enough to make her escape. He looked around once more then at his hand, he unclenched the fist and there lied Valerie's Witcher locket and at that he smirked.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2022 ⏰

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