Chapter 2

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Valerie and Geralt was back on the road with their horses, haunting monsters on their way. Few days passed and it was quite. Jaskier sung in the bars providing some more coins as the Witchers hunt monsters. They even herd few words about the Wolf Blood Witch from few fey refuge they helped against few humans and paladins. It was night, the Witchers and the bard made a camp and was resting near the fire as their food was cooking in the same fire. They sat in silence as Geralt hid Jaskier's lute for night and not to draw any unwanted attention in the darkness of night. They sat in comfortable silence until the Witchers sensed another presence. Valerie looked up at Geralt and he did the same letting her know that he sensed it too. They both looked at the bushes at their right of the camp. Whoever there was, was quite and stayed still hiding in the bushes. The Witchers sensed it was scared so they broke the silence. Jaskier noticed them.

"Okay, don't tell me that there is a monster in those bushes now you two." Jaskier said.

"No." Valerie replied. Jaskier looked at the direstion of the bushes the Witchers were staring at.

"We know you're there." Geralt said.

"You can come out, we won't harm you." Valerie said and waited for few moments for the person to show themselves. Geralt sighed.

"Born in the dawn.." He said, the bushes rustled and a small boy walked out.

"To pass in the twilight." The boy finished and looked at both the Witchers. 

"You're a fey." Said Jaskier said.

"Yes, you are too right?" The boy asked. Valerie looked at Geralt then back to the boy.

"No, but we won't hurt you." Valerie answered before Jaskier could say anything and Geralt nodded. 

"How can I know for sure?" Asked the boy. Valerie smiled at his alertness.

"Kid if we wanted you dead, you'd be dead before you walk out of those bushes." Geralt said.

"But you're not so please have a seat kid, it seems you have been through a lot." Jaskier said. The kid came to sit near a log close to Jaskier. Thebard's eyes soften and he draped his overcoat on the boy's shoulders. 

"Here, you might fall sick kid." The bard said. The kid thanked him and hugged his knees letting the warmth of the fire warm his cold body. Geralt get the chicken off the fire, tore a piece of it and handed it to Valerie gesturing her to give it to the boy. She took the piece and held it towards the boy.

"Here have some." Valerie said as the boy looked up at her, then he carefully took the piece of food from her and started munching on it. He was hungry for days concluded the Witchers and the bard ate in silence.  Once the kid was done eating he looked at the two persons. The man looked a bit scary and the woman looked kind and not scary at all to him and the Bard.

"What were you doing all alone in the forest kid?" Jaskier asked. The kid looked down for a while.

"My village was attacked by the red Paladins, a friend of mine told me to hide and I did but the Weeping Monk found me, he used me as a bait and killed my friends who came to save me." The kid said as the Witchers stopped eating at the mention of the Weeping Monk.

"How did you escape?" Geralt asked.

"He let me go to warn my kind that the paladins are coming." the kid said, the Witchers looked at each other for a moment.

"So who are you people? Humans I suppose." the boy said getting their attention.

"No." Both Witchers said together without turning to him. 

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