Chapter 5

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Geralt, Jaskier and Squirrel reached the camp of the paladins, it was very quite. They ride through the camp and discovered all the paladins were dead. He smirked as he examined the wounds and cuts on the dead bodies. 

"Serves right to these scums." Squirrel said. Geralt glanced back at the boy then back at the bodies, he hummed.

"Where is she anyway?" Jaskier asked.

"She escaped, killing everyone." Geralt said.

"You mean she did all that?" The kid asked.

"She's a Witcher kid, what do you expect?" Jaskier said.

"Yes." Geralt replied.

"Cool." The kid said. Geralt once again glanced back at the boy then back in front. They ride in the forest sensing Valerie's scent. 

"Can you teach me how to fight like that?" Squirrel asked.

"Do you have a sword?" Geralt asked.

"No but I can use one of yours." Squirrel said.

"No." Geralt replied.

"Why not?" Squirrel asked. Geralt mentally cursed himself being with the boy. Squirrel talked all the way as they were finding Valerie. 

The nun Valerie learned her name to be Celia, she brought her in the Abbey through a secret door and in a room with three beds. Sister Celia left to get some bandages, Valerie sat on the bed which had cross lying on the sheets. Sister Celia returned shortly with some herbs and bandages and a bowl of water. The first thing Valerie noticed was the herbs, those were healing herbs the Witchers use. 

"Where did you get those?" Valerie asked. 

"Sister Igraine gave it to me." The sister replied. Valerie nodded and sister Celia helped her clean the wound on her forehead. Once it was all cleaned Valerie took the herbs and simply ate it. 

"What are you doing?" Sister Celia asked.

"This is how we use this herb to heal ourselves." Valerie replied.

"What are you?" Sister asked.

"I am a Witcher sister, I thought you knew as you've seen my eyes." Valerie said.

"I thought you are a Fey folk. And for your eyes... they are turning brown?" The sister said surprised.

"It happens with me. It will last for few hours." Valerie said. Suddenly a older woman dressed in nun's uniform enter the room.

"There you are Sister Celia... who is she?" The older nun asked.

"She is..." Sister Celia stumbled.

"Rowena, I am Rowena, Abbes." Valerie replied. The Abbes walked closer to Valerie. She looked back at Abbes calmly.

"Are you a Fey Rowena?" Abbes asked.

"No Abbes." Replied Valerie. 

"Why are you here for?" The Abbes asked.

"Forgiveness for the sins I have committed."  Valerie replied.

"And what are those?" Abbes asked.

"I found my mother who left me in the forest to die when I was a child and.... I killed her." Valerie lied.  Abbes looked at Valerie, her expression softening a bit.

"It's alright my child, I am sure God will forgive you. But for now Sister Celia get her ready the Paladins are here and they need help in the infirmary." Abbes said. 

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