Chapter 3

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Squirrel told the Witchers and the Bard who Nimue was and they could conclude that if she was chosen by the Hidden to be the Summoner of her kind then she was the Wolf Blood Witch the Paladins were after. Valerie was also thinking that they have to let the kid hide until they help his friend as they cannot take him into the battlefield. The night fell, they made a camp, had their food and Squirrel fell asleep in Valerie's lap again and she drape her cloak over him as a blanket. 

"We can't leave him alone." Valerie said breaking the silence. Geralt looked up at her form the fire.

"If we need to help his friend then we can't leave him alone." Valerie said.

"And we can't take him into the battlefield either." Geralt said. Valerie hummed in response. 

"I herd about a hidden fey refuge in the forest, it's called Nemos. Maybe you can take the kid there?" She said.

"And what about you?" He asked.

"I will go help this Nimue." She replied. 

"And how will you find her?" He asked.

"I have few sources, I'll try to get information from them." She said. Geralt hummed.

"Be careful." Geralt said and Valerie hummed in response and silence fell once again.

The Paladins were roaming around their camp they set near that village, they talked to the tarven owner and also to the couple whose daughter was saved by the Witchers, but didn't get much information about their next retreat. The Weeping Monk sat in the tent examining the knife of the Woman Warrior, he cleaned the blood but her scent still lingers on the knife and it felt intoxicating to him. He didn't gave away the knife but kept with other weapons with him. He put the knife away as he sensed Father Carden walk towards the tent. He turned around as Father entered the tent.

"We found one of your brother and we need you with us son, come on." Father Carden said, he nodded and followed the father out.

They ride in the forest where they found one of their brother, as they reached the scene many was shocked, the paladin was struck with vines and branches growing from the ground and inside his body, he wasn't dead and he was in terrible pain. The Weeping Monk hopped down his horse and examined the scene, he was shocked too but he didn't show it on his face, he smelled the Wolf Blood Witch's scent and spotted some blood on a thin tree.

"She was here, the Wolf Blood Witch." The Weeping Monk said.

"Are you sure?" Father asked. 

"Yes, its the Wolf Blood." Weeping Monk said. Father Carden told the paladins to cut off the vines and branches and get the paladin to a heal and sent the Weeping Monk after the Wolf Blood Witch, the Witcher and the Woman Warrior.

The Witchers, the Bard and  Squirrel were in a small town, they rented a room and relaxed a bit. Geralt went on a small monster hunt for some coins leaving Valerie to look after Squirrel and Jaskier sang ballads around the village and the tarven. She had her hair down and put her thin armor aside. She was sharpening her knifes and brought some food for Squirrel to keep him quite. She herd people talk about a Woman Warrior and a Witcher wanted by the Red Paladins so she thought to stay low until Geralt arrive. As she was busy with her knifes she sensed familiar presence in the inn, footsteps were herd outside the room she was in and stopped near the door. Squirrel stopped eating and looked at Valerie, she shook her head saying 'no need to worry.' 

"You can come in." Valerie said, the door opened and in walked a tall blonde warrior. Valerie smiled at him then turn to the warrior putting her knifes away.

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