Chapter 4

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The Paladins had made their camp in the Abbey for few days. Father Carden and the Weeping Monk was there too, the was a meeting to be held soon and they don't know that the Wolf Blood Witch was there too. Nimue had no idea where Arthur had gone to with her sword, so she had no choice but to pretend a Nun for a while. 

Valerie was knocked out cold, the blow was real hard as her right side of forehead was bleeding slightly. She could hear voices in the background of few males and she could feel her hands were tied to a wooden post. Her head was throbbing in pain but she had to wake up and get out of here. She thought about Squirrel, what if they had caught him too? That thought made her blood boil with anger and she tried to open her eyes. Her eyes were blinded by the light at first, she blinked slowly a few times till her vision was back to normal. She looked around, she was in a tent and her hands were tied behind her back to a wooden post. Her metal sword was lying on a table in front of her. She wiggled her hands to get the rope loose. Then a paladin entered the tent.

"Oh you're up I see." the paladin said walking up to her. She looked down and kept her mouth shut. 

"What? Cat got your tongue Woman Warrior, where is your Witcher?" Asked the paladin.

"How did you find me?" She asked trying to distract him. 

"Salvation in name of God gets the people to help in our divine work." Paladin said. Valerie sighed.

"Nasty humans." She mumbled.

"Nasty you say, you will be punished for your sins because don't you forget that you are a human too." The paladin spat. Valerie laughed.

"I am glad that you don't know a thing about me, I am not a human." Valerie said feeling the rope loosened.

"Oh yes? then what are you?" the paladin asked. She looked up at the paladin with her yellow eyes. The paladin looked at her surprised.

"I am a Witcher." Valerie said as she freed her hands, she kicked the paladin in the gut and twisted his neck killing in instant. She grabbed her sword and strapped it to her back. She could hear few more paladins laughing outside the tent. She walked up to the entrance of the tent and peeked out, she counted the number of paladins and there were like fifteen of them and Squirrel wasn't with them, she took a breathe of relief.  Another paladin stood up and walked towards the tent in Valerie was, she backed away and hide in shadows. The paladin entered the tent and spotted his brother dead, he was about to alarm the others but Valerie walked up to him from behind and cut slashed his throat with her sword, the paladin fell dead but she grabbed his cloak and dragged him to the entrance of the tent and throw him outside to alarm the rest of the paladins. They cursed and grabbed their weapons. Valerie walked out of the tent, the paladins stood ready to attack her. One paladin fired a arrow at her, she bent to her left and deflected the arrow with her sword before it reached her. The paladins attacked her one by one, she blocked one's attack with her sword, kicked his knee and put the sword through his face and twisted it upwards. She turn to other coming from her right and cut him in half from the waist, She stabbed another paladin then grabbed him by his cloak and held him behind her back as a cover from incoming arrows and beheaded few who was coming towards her. Once the arrows were stopped she let the dead drop to the ground and blocked another attack, she kicked the paladin in his chest sending him few meters away on the ground, she grabbed his fallen sword and threw at him stabbing him in his gut as she walked towards another group of paladin, she waved her hand and send a invisible power wave at them slowing them down as she walked up to them and killed them in cold blood. Once she killed the group she turned around and someone hit her head again, she fell down on the ground and blinked a few times. The paladin swing the hammer again but she rolled away in time as he hit the ground beside her. She grabbed the handle of the hammer holding it down to the ground as the paladin tried to lift it up, she looked at the paladin in full anger and he noticed her yellow eyes, she swing her sword at the paladin not giving him any time to react and beheaded him. She stood straight and saw two more were running towards her. She ducked as one swing his sword and ran past her and she sliced his torso and stabbed other in his stomach and giving her sword a good twist. She turn to the first one. He was crawling away from her with a cross in his hand and muttering the prayer. She turn him around with her foot. 

"You will be punished Woman Warrior as you killed many of my brothers." The paladin said holding the cross towards her.

"Hmmm... may your God forgive your sins and lead you into hell." She said put his sword through his mouth. She tore a cloth from the Paladins flag and walked away cleaning her sword on her way, she threw the cloth on the ground and walked in the forest. 

Geralt, Jaskier and Squirrel walked in the tarven inn at the dawn, he did find out that the tarven owner informed the paladins about their stay. The paladins had left last night so it was safe to go there now. Geralt did threatened the owner as he was lying and did break few bones and Squirrel enjoyed it. After the interrogation they walked in their rented room. All of Valerie's and his belongings were still there untouched. He smelled a mage's scent in the room which made him confused. He spotted a crumpled paper near the foot of the table, he picked it up and unfold it. 

"The Abbey?" He mumbled. 

"What?" Squirrel asked. Geralt turned to him.

"What is it?" Jaskier asked. 

"I might know where she is." He said shoving Valerie's belongings to the Bard and grabbing her weapons. They walked out of the inn and hopped on the horse. Squirrel ride HoneyMarron but Geralt tied the reins to his horse and they ride in the forest towards the Paladins camp as the tarven owner told him. 

Tall green trees, sunlight peeking through their leaves, cool wind blew through the trees making them dance. The ground was covered in thick dried leaves, the wind made Valerie's hair cover half of her face, she lay there curled up on the ground and have a good rest. The whispers were back.

" Save them, save them, save them, save Nimue, save Nimue!" The whispers say. Valerie opened her eyes wide, the black pupil shrinking back to normal in her yellow irises. She took few deep breathes still laying on the ground. Then she herd leaves crunching under someone's feet, they stopped behind her and someone touched her upper arm. Startled she grabbed the person's wrist as she rolled on her back. The person was a young woman, dressed in a nun's clothes. She was a nun. 

"It's alright, I am here to help." The nun said. Valerie let go of her hand and tried to sit straight, the nun helped her. 

"You're hurt." the nun said as she noticed blood on Valerie's forehead. 

"I am good." Valerie said and tried to stand up but her head was spinning, she sat back down. 

"Look you should come with me, the Abbey is close, I can help you there." The nun said. Valerie closed her eyes and the events back at inn came back to her. Nimue is at the Abbey and it's perfect reason to enter there. She looked at the nun. 

"Thank you." Valerie said, the nun nodded and helped her stand up. Valerie unbuckled her sword from her back.

"You can't take that in the Abbey." The nun said.

"I know." Valerie said and she removed her sword and planted it in the ground by the tree hanging its holster on its hilt. Valerie looked at the nun and smiled, they walked in the direction of the Abbey.

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