Chapter 1

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Its been weeks since they killed the paladins in that village, Valerie , Geralt and Jaskier rode together as no matter if they separate the paladins were after both of them. Jaskier got himself a horse at cheap price as neither both of the Witchers let him mount their horses. In these past weeks the two Witchers were hunting monsters for some money in villages they travel through and Jaskier sings in tarvens and makes some money if he had any luck. Currently the Witchers were on a bandit hunt, a couple's daughter was taken away by the bandits, at first the Witchers refused to help them but the couple was going to pay them handsomely so here they were. Jaskier was out drunk in tarven lodge after too much drinking. 

The Witchers were tracking a group of bandits in the forest. The night fell and they spot a bonfire in the distance and also laughter of men. The Witchers tied their horses to a tree and cautiously walked towards the gathering. They stood in the shadows as they were trying to spot the child. Few minutes later the men dragged a girl whose hands were tied and towards the group of men. The girl was small and had few bruises. Valerie felt Geralt getting angry at the sight of that so she put her hand on his arm, he looked down at her. She nodded as 'Not now'.

 She felt sorry that the kid was about to witness a massacre. As Valerie was about to step out and attack, the bandits spoke about the paladins.

"Have you herd that the Paladins are after a woman warrior and the Witcher?" one bandit said.

"Who told you that?" another one asked.

"I met a paladin on my way here, he also said that Father Carden will reward handsomely to whoever bring them alive." the bandit replied. Now it was Geralt who looked down at her giving her the look 'The word is spreading about us.' She sighed and gesture him 'It's time to step in.' Both the Witchers stepped out of the shadows and up to the group. 

"Look who do we have here?" one of the bandits said. The Witchers stopped in the middle of the group. 

"What do you want?" one of the bandits asked.

"Where is your leader?" Geralt asked casually. 

"Isn't it the abomination, the Witcher." the bandit said.

"And what a lady like you doing with him?" Asked another bandit, Valerie simply looked at him not even trying to hide her yellow eyes with her hair, the bandit gasped.

"She's a demon spawn, abomination just like him." The bandit said. 

"Clearly you're not the leader here." Geralt said in mocking tone. 

"Shut up you mutant." the bandit said and drew his knife but another man placed his hand on his shoulder and moved him aside.

"I am their leader here, what do you want Witcher?" the bandit asked.

"We want the girl." the girl looked up in shock.

"And what's in it for us?" the bandit asked.

"We will let you live." Valerie said. The men laughed.

"A woman warrior, what a surprise." the bandit said.

"She's not wrong. Give us the girl and we will let you live." Geralt said.

"Oi, aren't they the the Witcher and woman warrior the Red Paladins are after?" one of the bandit said. The head looked at Geralt then at Valerie. 

"Here's the thing Witcher, how about you give up and come with us before my men take both of your dead bodies and hand it to the Paladins." The head said, the Witchers just looked at them without saying a word.

"It's the lesser evil you know. You did the evil by killing the Red Paladins." the head said.

"The lesser evil?" Geralt said.

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