Dear Readers

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Firstly I want to apologise.
I'm sorry for neglecting this story when so many of you are desperate for updates. I gave birth to my daughter on the 26th of February 2021. Since then I have had almost no free time. Now that she is 3 months old and loves to entertain herself a little more, I am able to take time to write more.

I am currently in the process of pre-writing a second The Walking Dead - Lottie story titled 'Lottie - Survivor'. This is a continuation of this story so don't worry, you won't re-read anything or miss anything. I've chosen to do this due to this story already having 30 parts/chapters. I am pre-writing it so that I may be able to upload consistently which will be a better experience for all of you.

I have already pre-written a Harry Potter fan fiction titled 'Padfoot', I'm in the process of editing it and it will be uploaded one chapter a week once it's finished, so look out for that one!

If you would like to stay up to date on my progress on all my stories please follow my Instagram - its.jinxed. There I will consistently post updates on my story about any progress or delays.

I want to thank you all so much for reading Lottie and giving me all your feedback. It has been so rewarding reading your comments. I never thought this would ever get anywhere and that is why I fell behind with writing, I was not prepared for 50,000 reads!

See you in 'Lottie - Survivor'!
Much love to you all,
- Jinxed

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2021 ⏰

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