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There was nothing, absolutely nothing, that Lottie, Daryl or Merle could do or say to change many of the opinions circulating the prison about the trio. Especially with Daryl and Merle avoiding everyone, Daryl only returning to Lottie at the end of the day in their cell and holding her tight until she fell asleep. He was always gone by morning.

Glenn had even made a comment to Rick, comparing Merle to Shane who had tried to kill Rick at the farm, the night the herd had overun it. Rick had nothing to say in Merles defence and had hopelessly looked over at Lottie who had turned and walked away from the conversation.

Everyone had insisted they had nothing against Lottie herself, owing to the fact she had countless times either saved members of the group or risked her life for them. However, Lottie couldn't help but feel like a burden. She had once felt a part of the group but had since slipped back into feeling like an outsider, like she had done when they had rescued her from that gang.

While sat in Beth's cell, holding Judith and sharing common worries and thoughts, Lottie heard faint footsteps which she immediately recognised as Carls.

The two girls stood at the door as Rick came running into the room worried something was terribly wrong.

"It's Andrea!" Carl panted. "Andrea's at the gate!"

Rick said nothing, he turned and gave Michonne a look, Lottie couldn't tell if it was sympathy or concern. He instructed everyone to stay put, then walked outside to begrudgingly allow Andrea into the prison.

When Andrea stepped, a little over confidently, into the smaller room next to the cell block, she was met with complete silence. Carol stepped forward to hug her briefly and give her a slightly sympathetic smile, everyone else kept their distance.

Merle smiled from inside his cell, he had chosen one of the smaller cells inside that smaller room so he was away from the group so they could 'sleep more comfortably' were his words.

Michonne scowled, as Andrea had betrayed her for the Governor. Daryl stood with his arm around Lottie in a comforting way, knowing that the last encounter they had wasn't the most pleasant. The rest of the group stood awkwardly, Carl even standing slightly behind Rick.

"I'm glad you're all okay..." Andrea said quietly.

"Well, most of us." Carol admitted as Andrea realised who was missing from the group.

Andrea approached Rick and attempted to apologise and sympathise for Lori's death, he brushed it off however, responding only in an interrogation like way.

"That, out there," Rick said gesturing to the field outside the prison that was once gated and safe, now full of walkers, "You know who did that? He did it. Unprovoked."

Andrea looked taken aback "Phillip said you shot first, that he had come to negotiate..."

Merle chuckled, "Phillip." he repeated.

Hershel stepped forward, ignoring Andrea's shocked expression upon noticing his missing leg. "He had a van full of walkers driven through that gate and opened without warning and without provocation." He said gently, knowing none of this was her fault. "The gunfire drew more walkers, if Daryl and Merle hadn't have returned when they did, we may have lost Rick and Lottie."

Andrea finally turned to Lottie before trying to insist that she had no idea that The Governor had been keeping her in Woodbury and had only learnt about it after her escape.

"Oh, don't pretend you care!" Daryl said stepping in front of Lottie. "You didn't care about her back at the farm neither! You're boyfriend back then smacked her and your new boyfriend did the same this time. You really know how to pick 'em!"

Michonne quickly hid a smile as Andrea turned to face her, knowing she was the only one who knew of her relationship with The Governor.

She turned back and leant around to look at Lottie, "I really didn't know, I was angry, I got separated from the group I'm sorry."

This finally struck a nerve in Lottie, having grown to put loyalty in the group above most other things.

"I got separated too. For a year." She said in a scarily calm tone of voice, clearly no energy left to scream. "But I didn't jump into bed with the man who 'took me in'. Instead I chose a dark, cold, empty room and a beating because I refused to betray those I considered family. Even though I thought I'd never, ever see them again. He wouldn't have even known who I was if you had kept your mouth shut. If it wasn't for Merle I would have died alone and scared in that room and no one would have known I was ever there."

Before Andrea had a chance to respond, Lottie had turned and was making her way silently up to her cell. Daryl followed her, but only after whispering "Unbelievable." in disgust at Andrea.

Lottie had chosen that moment to voice her feelings not only because Andrea had struck a nerve but also as an attempt to redeem herself in front of the whole group.

They left the group in silence briefly, Andrea had turned and began talking to someone else but Daryl and Lottie were too frustrated to listen.

When Daryl reached the door to their cell, Lottie was leant against the wall with a face full of silent tears. He felt a wave of guilt, knowing he had neglected her love for too long while trying to protect his brother.

At first, he didn't say a word, he walked in front of her and pulled her into a warm hug and held her there. She silently pushed her face into his chest as he stroked her long, blonde hair and rested his head against hers.

"I'm sorry." He whispered. "I'm here, I'll always be right here."

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