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Now that she was fully recovered, Lottie was faced with where she would be staying. Rick had suggested with Carol or Andrea, a bold and blonde-haired woman, but Lottie didn't know them that well and Andrea seemed to be the only person that agreed with Shane on Lottie leaving.

"He's right you know!" Lottie overheard Andrea declaring. "We don't need more mouths to feed, we don't need one less gun especially with a stranger."

"That stranger saved your damn life woman!" Daryl had shouted back at her.

"And my boy! Could of left him to die but sacrificed herself!" Lori said firmly.

Andrea backed off at that point, sighing and shaking her head. Lottie had retreated back to her room and sat in silence.

Lottie remembered this conversation as she was wandering through the camp offering help to people. Carl called her over to help him count the potatoes and carrots for dinner.

"Thank you." Carl whispered.

"What for?" Lottie said, confused.

"For saving my life, I overheard mum talking to dad about it"

"Oh, I'd never let anything happen to you Carl, but I bet you'd be able to protect yourself anyway huh?" She smiled, Carl laughed and smiled back at her.

"Hey, Lottie can I have a second?" Said a deep voice from behind her.

Lottie turned to see Shane cowering slightly, but angry.

"Sure," Lottie said trying to sound confident "I'll be back in a bit Carl keep counting"

Carl nodded and watched them walk away, concerned. Lottie followed Shane down to the barn, which was to the left of the house and the camp down a short dusty bit of path.

Shane stood for a moment, watching everyone in the camp before suddenly shoving Lottie backwards into the barn. She tripped over the small step and landed on her back before desperately trying to slide herself away from Shane along the dusty hay covered floor.

"You don't belong here, we don't need more mouths to feed!" Shane said in a sort of angry whisper.

"I offered to leave, Rick asked me to stay!" Lottie said, she too was keeping quiet.

"Rick was wrong, you leave and you leave right now!" Shane ordered. He was talking to her as if he was in the army or police department, giving her orders and commands.

Shane leaned over Lottie, she tried to look confident still but shook slightly. Shane was built big and muscly, broad shoulders and a strong face. Terrifying when angry.

"You'll leave, or I'll dispatch you myself." Shane smiled evily.

"Are you threatening to kill me?" Lottie said in shock.

"You're leaving one way or another, ain't my choice whether that's decaying through the dirt or not." he paced around.

Lottie stood back up, trying to stand her ground. "Rick asked me to stay, I want to stay, I'll earn my keep I swear, I'll help you find food!" She pleaded desperately.

Shane stormed up to her and smacked her with the back of his hand right across her face. She fell back to the floor. He leant down next to her ear as she cupped her hand to her cheek. "No." he said quietly

"I've done nothing to you," She whimpered in pain "Please at least let me try to prove it to you!"

"No!" He shouted "Are you goddanm listening to me?"

Lottie stood again. "One chance that's all I ask!"

Shane turned slowly, "Do I have to hit you again or will you take no for an answer?" he asked calmly.

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