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"Maggie's just helping Lottie get into some clothes she picked up on a run" Hershel told Rick "Then we need to get her up and about, walk around outside for a bit."

Rick agreed "It'll do her good to not be in that room with everyone around her."

"I want Daryl to sit with her" Hershel stated out of the blue

"Okay, um, why?" Said a puzzled Rick

Hershel just smiled, "Have you not been watching?"

It had been a couple of weeks since Lottie was first brought into the house. Daryl had kept his word of watching over her. It was most unusual for Daryl to do something like that and it had surprised everyone in the group.

Lottie opened up mostly to Daryl and Daryl only really smiled when talking to her.

"I don't even think they know it yet, but I can see it" Hershel smiled. "It's the end of the world Rick, think how fast Maggie and Glenn fell for each other"

Rick smiled as well, "Yeah I guess you're right."

As they stood smiling in silence, Maggie opened the door supporting a fragile Lottie, who had acquired a pair of skinny black jeans, black combat boots and a grey t-shirt. Lottie put in all her effort into every step she took. She looked up and smiled at them both.

Lori appeared from another doorway "Wow look at you go! I'll go and get Daryl." She walked slowly past them both and out of the front door.

"You look so much better!" Rick said walking towards them "How are you feeling?"

"Much better, thank you, all of you!" Lottie said smiling around her.

Daryl walked through the door "You're up!" he said surprised as he reached the other side of Lottie and supported her like Maggie.

"Let's get you out on the bench outside," Maggie said "Get you some sun"

They walked slowly out of the door and sat down together on an old wooden bench, painted white. The bench sat just at the bottom of the porch steps and looked across the camp that Rick's group had made.

Lottie watched, one man used a fork to poke around the food on the fire, Carl was wondering around the bottom of a tree looking at different insects and three women sat in the shade laughing and chatting.

"We got everything done early today," Daryl said "Everyone seems to be in a good mood for once"

"Not everyone.." Maggie said quietly, she nodded towards a man with a shaved head "Shane's been angry since you arrived"

"Why, what did I do?" worried Lottie.

"Survived" Daryl said, shooting Shane a warning look. "Don't go off anywhere alone, alright?"

"Um, okay." Lottie said.

Maggie rubbed Lottie's arm "Hey, i just noticed the cuts on your head are basically gone!"

"I know! You're dad's a miricale I can't thank him enough" Lottie said, Maggie gave her a side hug.

Rick stepped down the steps, eyeing Shane. "So what do you think Lottie, do you like it here"

"It's so peaceful, everyone seems almost like normal people, like it isn't the end of the world" Lottie smiled up at Rick

"What's your plans when you're feeling your best then?" Rick said standing next to Daryl.

"I guess I could go back out through the forest, I passed a little motel I could probably hide up in" Lottie said thoughtfully.

"What about here?"

"Oh um, I never thought of staying I don't want to be a burden on you all"

Rick chuckled "We want you to stay, you saved us especially Carl. You deserve a place in this group, if you want it of course?"

Lottie beamed, she shut her eyes and cried a little with happiness. Daryl and Maggie hugged her from either side and Rick knelt in front of her.

"Is that a yes?" Rick laughed, Lottie nodded. "Good, I'm glad!"

"I'll earn my keep I promise!" Lottie said to Rick who knelt face to face with her

"I'm sure you will, but for now you rest. I'll go and let the others know you're staying they'll be pleased"

Rick walked slowly towards Shane, only said a few words before Shane shook his head and stormed off towards one of the wells. Rick looked back, shrugged his shoulders and walked to each other person. Everybody he told looked towards Lottie and smiled. However, Lottie couldn't stop thinking about how reluctant Shane was to accept her into the group.

"Shane really doesn't like me does he?" Lottie said lowering her head.

"Don't you worry about him" Daryl said "I ain't letting him cause you no problems."

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