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Its been 2 weeks since the mission and I've been training my ass off with Kakashi and having sparring with Naruto every once in a while. I want to step my game up so my plan is to have Kakashi teach me Chidori. It it was time for my training with him so id ask him there.

Time skip.
"Late as always" i say under my breath rolling my eyes.

"Sorry." Kakashi chuckles

"Kakashi.. i want you to teach me Chidori." I say seriously.

"Why are you asking this all of a sudden." He says

"Because to get Sasuke back i have to get stronger." For these past two weeks my conversation about Sasuke ranged in my head 1,000 times.

And i know Sakura's a little Sasuke crazy but she's my friend and whenever she talks about how he left sounds like it eats her up inside. Besides me and Naruto promised we'd get our comrade back no matter what.

Kakashi mustve read the look on my face "fine but it will take time, it is very dangerous so you'll have to be careful."

Yessss. "First you would need to convert your chakra to electricity." He says.

Time skip (2 hrs)

So its much harder than i thought to convert my chakra into lightning. Sweat dripped from my face as i sat on the ground. I kept trying but kept failing and honestly i was getting frustrated. "Ughhhh" i let out a annoyed groan.

"Calm down Y/N, keep trying you'll get." Kakashi says sitting against a tree.

Time skip (several hours later.)

"Y/N its getting dark you should head home." Kakashi says

I open my eyes "i think im gonna keep training" i say turning my head his way.

"Very well, bye." He says taking off.

I breathed in and out "you can do this Y/N just change it to lightning".

Kakashi POV.
I didnt actually leave i went in a tall tree some distance away to see how far she'd push herself.

Wait i just felt a little tingle in my finger. Did i almost do it. I have to keep trying i know i can do it.

Time skip (2 hours later)
Ive been feeling a electric like feeling in my body for a little while , im getting close i can feel it. This time a stronger electrical feeling came and it was in my finger again. This one was very strong and out of no where lightning came from out of my finger and stretched to the sky.

"No way...did i just do that?" I says talking to myself. "Damn i cant believe it" i smile.

"Y/N...Did you just do that?" Naruto's voice says coming out of no where.

I turn his way my braids swinging as i swung. "Yea, i cant believe it neither. Though i think i pushed myself too hard this time." And everything started getting a little fuzzy.

Kakashi POV.
Y/N started to fall to the ground but before she could even touch it Naruto went her way so fast, faster than i'd ever seen him move before. He caught her in his hands. Those two are going to be something big one day. And if they get married i wouldn't be surprised they're like 2 peas in a pod.

Naruto POV.
I took Y/N to my place and laid her on the bed. I then grabbed a towel and wet it with cool water. After i sat it on her forehead.

For the meantime i'll warm her up some ramen for when she wakes up.

I woke up in a familiar setting. "Oh your up." I hear Naruto say.

"What happened." I say removing the towel off my head and sitting up in the bed.

"I guess you trained too hard, but on the bright side it was like you shot lightning from your finger it looked really cool." Naruto says

"Oh yea i did." I says

"I fixed you up some ramen it probably got cold by now." Naruto says. "I'll warm it up for you." He offers

"Its fine i can do it." I say getting out the bed.

"Y/N i can do it." He says offering again.

"Naruto i got i-" in the middle of me talking i managed to trip over something and landed on top Naruto. How the fuck do i manage to trip.

"Naruto, i am so sorry." I say looking down on him as im still on top of him.

"Its okay." He says laughing a bit but also a pink color.

He then goes and starts looking me in the eyes. "You know Y/N your eyes are really pretty." Naruto says

"Theres nothing really special about em there pretty regular if you ask me." I say "you're the one with nice eyes..they're blue like the ocean or the sky during the day." I say, that was too damn bold of me why would i sayy that. I freak out on the inside but try not to let it show.

I then realized im still on him. "Oh um, my bad" i say apologizing for falling on him and what i just said. I get up and then help him up.

"No need to apologize." He says laughing
Thank you for reading my story i hope you like it so far.💛

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