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"You havent summoned me for all this time now you want me." My summoning animal Yasuo says stubbornly in a deep voice. Yasuo isnt a regular tiger he's more of a laid back but still has a attitude type of tiger.

"Come on Yasuo don't be like that." I say "and when did your voice get so deep."

"Wow he's big." Pervy sage says

"Y/N! This is your summoning animal!? You have a cool tiger and im stuck with a frog." Naruto whines

"Heyy!" Gamatatsu  says in a defensive tone.

"Look Yasuo, how about everytime your good at training i'll get you a snack." I say

"Ou, ou, Naruto i want snacks too." Gamatatsu says

"You always want a snack."Naruto says.

"Ok you 2 we're going to start by connecting with your summoning animal." Pervy sage says

"Any how will we do that." I say

"By refining your compatibility, and  training with it and things in that category"

Time skip.
Pervy sage POV.
When i look at these two i see the 4 the Hokage and his best friend. They remind me of those 2 a lot.

"Come on Yasuo, you have to actually try." Y/N says

As Y/N and Naruto try to get in sync with there Summonings i chuckle at there failed attempts.

"Your a lost cause" Yasuo says

I smack my teeth "how am i the damn lost cause." I say.

"Im going to summon my friend."

"That is perfectly fine by me ." I say laying down in the grass looking up to the sky.

You can hear the sound of an animal being summoned must be Yasuo's friend. As i lay on the ground i feel something licking my face.
"Hi, im Akihiko, but just call me Aki !" The tiger says taking a break from licking my face.

"Omg, Aki your so adorable." I say rubbing him.

"So what did you summon me for Yasuo." Aki says

"Because this girl can not do anything right." Yasuo says

"This girl?"I furrowed my eyebrows

"Y/N, can not do anything right." Yasuo says mocking me . "All you have to do is the dance correctly, can you not dance." He continues

"Can i not dance?" I repeat back "the real question is why cant you stay in sync."

"Your the one not in sync look at Naruto and his frog." Yasuo says. I turn my head over to Naruto and
he's struggling just as much.

"Well maybe he wasn't the best example." Yasuo says

"I can hear you ya know" Naruto says

I laugh at his statement, then i look around to see theres no Pervy sage.

"Hey Naruto where'd pervy sage go?" I say

"I dont know.. wait i know he went to the hot springs not to far from here." Naruto responds.

I smack my teeth and shake my head. "Naruto I've been thinking about something." I say

"What is it." He walks closer to me.

"What do you think will happen if we combine your rasengan and my chidori?" I say

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