Our last chapter

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Y/N POV. (Present time )
"So thats how me and your dad became boyfriend and girlfriend and later on in the time line we came husband and wife." I say to our 2 children, the oldest name being Boruto and our daughter D/N ( daughter/name).

"Then you had us!" D/N says

"Mom, why'd you had us sit through the whole story." Boruto says

"I recall you two asking so i told you." I say hitting him on his head but lightly.

"Owww" he says laughing and rubbing his head "I didn't think it was going to be that long." Boruto continues.

Naruto walks through the door and come's to the living room. The kids run up to him and hug him.

I get up and go hug Naruto, we kiss and he comes to sit down. He signals for me to sit on his lap so i did. "How was work." I say.

"Filling out paper work as usual." Naruto says. "How was your day."

"Ehh same old same old, i trained with Boruto for a while." I say

"Im getting stronger arent I ma' " Boruto says.

"Yea, but you still have a lot to work on." I say getting up and going to the kitchen. I Opened the pot to see the food was ready. "Yall, the food is done."

"Yay!" D/N says coming to the kitchen.

"Yes, im so hungry it feels like i can eat a pig.
Naruto says

"Thats good because i cooked your favorite." I say smiling.

At dinner we talked more and had a good time once we were finished the kids went to bathe. I started to clean up but Naruto stopped me. "Its okay Y/N i got it, you just go sit down and rest."  Naruto says

"Well i'll go shower then." I say

I went to shower and put my braids in my bonnet "i really need to get a shower cap." I say to myself.

Time skip.
I laid in bed and flipped through channels trying to find something to watch. Naruto came out the bathroom from showering and got in the bed. He snaked his arm around my neck and my head laid on his chest while one of legs was on him. He then goes to kiss my forehead.

"Man Naruto a lot has changed." I say

"I know right." He says

"Like, as i told the kids about the story of how we were when we were younger and how we came to be, it really dawned on me, we're adults now, not even.. we're parents." I say "it felt like i was reliving it to be honest."

"Yea i know, we use to live in those small apartments now look at us, i became Hokage, you became one of the most strongest ninja, and we have 2 amazing kids." Naruto says

"I wish Pervy sage was here to see." I say. "I think he would've been very proud of us." I say with a tear leaving my eye and it falling on Naruto's chest.

"Y/N are you crying?" Naruto says trying to lift his head to look at me.

"Would you call me a crybaby if i said i am." I say laughing.

"No." Naruto says embarrassing me into a hug. "I know he would've been proud, he's gonna have some strong great grand kids. I mean look at who  their parents are, they have the Uchiha and Uzamaki blood in them." Naruto says "But i know how you feel, i wish there was a lot of people they could meet."

"Like their grand parents,  my mom would just love those little brats." I say

Naruto lets out a laugh. "Same over hear, im glad our children can grow up better than we did, ya know, they have tons of friends and parents who's still with them."

"For real, but i think sometimes Boruto forgets how blessed he is to have parents who are there and loves him." I say

"Yea i've recognized that too." Naruto says "Also ive been meaning to tell you get ready because you do have a mission" Naruto continues.

"What is it." I say sitting up so now the arm that was once around my neck was now around my waist.

"These files need to get to Gaara they're really important."

"I gotchu." I say bending down to kiss him.

"You got me?" Naruto repeats and he kiss me back.

"Always." I say as we kiss but stop and pause. I get on top of Naruto and we continue to kiss.

"Mommy! Daddy! I cant sleep." D/N says opening the door. "What were you two doing." She says

"Nothing." I say getting off Naruto. "Daddy, just had something on his face, right.

"Yup, it was all over my face and mommy couldn't help but to take it off." Naruto says

I give him a death glare and D/N climbs in the bed and get in between us.

"So this is what having kids is like huh." I say

"Yup." Naruto says. "But i wouldn't trade it for the world."

"Me either." I say "i love you."

"I love you too."
Im sorry if the ending doesn't make sense but i wanted to kinda end it here because Naruto is obviously a long series so it'll be hard to kinda write every detail up to the end so i thought this ending would be best. I hoped you like reading and fyi im writing another black girl reader, when will i drop it, i dont know but just know im working on it. Thanks for the reads and support, i love reading the comments. I try to make the black girl reader as relatable as possible so other black girls can relate to it so yea. Thanks again for all the love and support💕

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