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Y/N POV. (Month later)
On days like this i wish i did have parents. Ones that wake me up with a Happy Birthday. Ones that'll buy me a little cake and i get to blow the candles out. Ones who just simply show me love the type of love a loving parent shows to its child.

I got out of bed,did my regular morning routine you know. "Hmm should i style my braids differently today." I say to myself looking in the mirror. I chose to put my braids in 2 low ponytails and with 2 front pieces on each side hanging out. There we go.

I reported to Tsunade's office because i was called for a mission. I usually like going on missions but its my birthday. This time i had a mission in- "what  Tsunade i have to deliver this to where?!" I says

"Its just a little home thats outer the leaf village, you need to give the lady this note." Tsunade says sitting in her chair.

"But cant you send genin or something." I groan.

"No, now if you do this now you will more than likely be back before sundown." Tsunade says.

"Well, okay" i say exiting the room.

Tsunade's POV.
"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Shizune says holding Tonton in her arms.

"Yes, trust in Naruto this is his plan." Tsunade says.

As i began leaving the village what mainly crossed  my mind is did Naruto forget my birthday? Hm if i move faster maybe i can get there quicker, i thought. I start picking up my speed moving from tree to tree.

Naruto POV.
"Okay Sakura are you ready to help me make the cake?" I say

"Mhm." Sakura says

"Well lets do this, its going to be the best birthday
Y/N could ever ask for!" I exclaim with my thumb up.

"Come on Naruto stop joking around we have to make this special for her."

Time skip. Y/N POV.
"So is this the place?" I say to my self. I knock on the door, there was no answer.

"Im out here darling." An elderly woman voice says.

The woman opened up a the gate "come on in." She says.

I walked in to see she had been gardening. She had beautiful flowers in the ground.

"Oh um, this was the letter the hokage told me to give you." I say

"Thank you darling, would you like to come in for tea." She says.

" Sorry i should really get going." I say

"It wont take long some nice tea for all your troubles in coming here." The woman says.

Well i couldnt turn her down now "well sure." I follow her inside and sit down as she makes it.

Little time skip.
"It looks about done." She says walking my tea to me.

"Thank you." I say

"You know you are a gorgeous young women." The woman says i guess trying to make conversation.

"I try my best." I say jokingly.

"You must certainly have a boyfriend do you." She says.

I almost choked on my tea from her straight forward question out of no where. "No, i dont have a boyfriend or nothing like that." I say honestly.

"Oh my, well there must be someone i can tell." The woman says sipping her tea.

"Wellll." I say making my voice higher each letter. "There is this one guy... we're best friends, and he got back not to long ago from a little journey with his sensei. And i kinda think..im starting to get feelings for him, but not regular feelings i think i love him. But then again i could just be trippin and im too 'young' to be in love anyways." I say

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