Tailed beast dream

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It was Wednesday only a couple of more days until I'm done walking with the crunches and i'll be fully ready to train again. I wonder how everyones doing with our new teammate and new captain. I pray everything goes well and Naruto returns back safely.

Should I go check on Kakashi while he's in the hospital. Nahh im sure he's fine he's probably sleeping anyway, i should find something to do. I get ready to open my door and was stopped. "Where ya going Y/N" i hear Naruto says

"Naruto your back,and safe." I say hugging him and dropping my my crunches.

As we embrace each other Naruto realized something was wrong with my leg. "Y/N your leg..what happened." He says walking me to the bed then going get my crunches i dropped.

"I got stabbed when i went on my mission." I say

"Are you alright? Do you need me to get you anything." Naruto says

"No, now stop worrying about me for once and tell me what happened on the mission." I say as Naruto sit beside me on the bed.

"Long story short we fought with Sasuke" he says

"What?" I say tensing up "you fought with Sasuke." I say a tear rolling down.

"And i couldnt stop him again im too weak." Naruto say with tears going down his face with his head down.

I pull him into my chest and wrap my arms around him. "Your not weak." I say crying, i hate seeing Naruto cry it always break my heart and i cant stand to see him like this breaking down.

"I am, he was right there and i couldn't bring him back." Naruto cries and says something but it sounds a little muffled.

"If only i could've been there to help, to contribute some type of way. "I wish i were there to help Naruto. "If i could free you from all you burdens i would." I say rubbing his hair.

He lifts his head up and we both look each other in the eyes, the same eyes that are crying tears that can fill up a pool. He wraps his arms around me "im so thankful for you Y/N if i at least cant get Sasuke back i promise i will protect you for the rest of my life and never let you go. We're gonna do whatever it takes to get Sasuke back even if the whole world goes against us, but i only want to do it with you til the end. I cant do it by myself." He cries

His words broke my heart but made me smile at the same time, the pain in his voice, the sincereness.. "Naruto i will always be there for you no matter how far, no matter what obstacles i will be there." I say trying to stop my tears.

Time skip.
Naruto told me the original mission and everything that happened. "You turned into the four tailed state?!" I say

"Yea." He answers now i really wish i could've been there for him. "Did anyone get hurt." I say.

"I dont think so." He says.

"How's Sakura taken it." I say

"Probably hard, but she was trying to hide it and be strong." Naruto says "Also when you get better we'll be going on another mission."

"Now i just want to heal faster ." I whine. "What else did Tsunade say."

"To get some rest for now." Naruto says. "But we have to meet to go over our next mission, so lets go."

Naruto picks me up bridal style as i hold my crunches we met up with Captain Yamato and Sakura and then we went to go get Sai. "Sai! Come on we're gonna go over our next mission!" Naruto yells as Sai window was open so Sai could hear.

Sai came out with a smile on face. "Hurry up will ya!?" Naruto says. I laugh. When we finally got to talking about our plans Naruto put me down.

Time skip.
I woke up panting, Naruto by my side, he seems as if he was panting too.

"Did you dream about your tailed beast too? I say calming down my breathing.

"Yea" he said.

"I looked like a monster."

"Me too."

I slept at Naruto's house;and i forgot to mention i got my cast off about two days ago, so i was free to do whatever now. Naruto got up and went to go stand outside on the porch. I admired him from the bed then got up to stretch.

That was weird we had the same dream. "Wanna go visit Kakashi today?" Naruto says walking back in.

"Yea sure"

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