❄️winter special❄️

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"Ok we're finally here!" Lee says, we had arrived a bit after noon.

"Its sooo cold." Ino say.

"It is." I say

We had on gloves but i still rubbed my hands together. Naruto holds my hand and flashes me a smile.

"Lets go check in then we could get our bags." Kakashi says

We walk into the lodge it felt so nice and warm and it looked awesome in the inside.

"Gai how should we split the rooms." Kakashi says

"Boys in one room girls in the other!" Gai says

"What!?" Ino says

"Is there a problem?" Kakashi ask

I honestly wanted to share a room with Naruto but i guess we'll be fine its just a week right.

Ino's cheeks turn bright pink "Never mind Kakashi sensei, never mind"

Once we got the rooms we went back to get our things. As i grab my things Naruto offers to hold my suitcase.

"Its ok i got it." I say

"No, come on Y/N, i got it." He says

"Dont have to tell me twice, here you go." I say giving it to him.

"What did you put in here." He exaggerates

"Stop complaining its not even alot." I laugh.

I carried me and naruto's smaller bags while he got the suitcases.

By time he brought my bags to my room all the other girls were there.

I gave him his bag and we left each other with a hug and a kiss.

"Sooo spill Y/N how is it dating Naruto." Ino ask

"Ouu, when i went to go get her he was at her house and she was over his shoulder!" Sakura says

Everyone blushes and looks at me "Y/N is she serious." Tenten ask

"Sakura you didnt have to go and tell all my business." I say rolling my eyes.

"So it is truee!" Ino says

"We weren't doing anything." I say

"Yea right." Sakura says.

A knock was then heard on the door. "Who is it." I say getting up to get it.

"Kiba!" He says

I open it and its him and Akamaru. "Can i speak to Hinata?"

"Hinata kiba wants you." I say

"Coming." She says

They leave the room and it goes quiet til she comes back. "What'd kiba want" sakura ask

"It was nothing." She says

"Aww come on, something has to be up with you two." Ino says

"I- i promise it was nothing." She says

Meanwhile Hinata's POV with Kiba

"What did you need Kiba?" I ask

"Look, i know how much you're in love with Naruto. And i know him and Y/N are dating now and your going to have to be around them for a week. So i wanted you to know whenever you need me i'll be there." He says resting his hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks Kiba, that means a lot."

"No problem, thats all i wanted to say."

"Well, ok bye" i say

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