Hinata rescue mission

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"Can you sense her yet, Kiba?" I say

"Yea they went this way." Kiba response

"Im going to call my summoning animal for help." I bite my thumb causing it to bleed and use my chakra to summon it by placing my hand on the ground. I didnt use much chakra because i didnt need to so a smaller tiger came, she was almost the same size as Akamaru.

"Hi im Mei, what do you need help with." The tiger Mei says.

"We need to find Hinata they're sniffing her out so can you see if you can hear anything."

"Sure thing Mei can find anybody!" Mei says happily.

Mei's ear start to twitch a little. "I think i hear something over here."  We followed Mei and she was right, Hinata was tied up to a tree while Daisuke sat some space in front of her.

"Whats the game plan?" Kiba says.

"Shino is going to have his bugs distract Daisuke and Kiba your gonna get Hinata out of the rope. I'll be on stand by until you guys need me." I say "And Mei i don't need you any further thanks for you help."

"No problem." She says and then she puff.

Shino sends tons of bugs Daisuke way, making it hard for Daisuke to see. I then signal Kiba to get Hinata. In the mist of them doing their part Daisuke manages to throw a kunai and it heading straight to Hinata. I hurry up and get in front and move Kiba and Hinata but i only ended up getting hit in the leg. "Damn!" I say with the kunai now in my leg.

"Y/N!" Hinata, Kiba, and Shino shout out at the same time.

I pull the kunai and let out a scream from the pain.

"I got it now Shino, Fang over fang!" Kiba yells in attempt to get Daisuke but it failed.

"You guys are too weak." Daisuke says.

"What did you say!" Kiba says. He then send punches and kicks toward Daisuke but the all were blocked.

"Hinata are you ok" i say limping a bit towards her.

"Yea im fine, Y/N are you gonna be okay." Hinata says

"Yea its just a little scratch." I say knowing damn well i was lying i had a literal whole in my leg! But.. i wasnt gonna let that stop me from protecting my comrades.

I walk back over to Kiba and Akamaru they both are panting. "Shino watch my back, Kiba i got things from here." Kiba growls at my statement.

I activated my sharingan "why cant you get no one wants to marry you. You cant force people to marry you Daisuke." I say running towards him with a kunai.

"I do what a want." He says as our kunai's clash against each other.

He turns around in attempt to kick me but i duck and slide my leg on his leg causing him to fall. "Substitution jutsu, i guess you have a little skill." I say

The real one comes flying from a tree. "Y/N watch out!" Kiba shouts.

As Daisuke is in mid air i jump to his level and put my fist together and slam them into his back making him crash on the floor. The move caused damage to the ground we were on. "We're turning you into the Kazekage, ok." I say smiling to his unconscious body on the floor.

"Wow, that was amazing Y/N" Kiba says.

"She did train with 2 of the legendary Sannin and the famous copy cat ninja Kakashi." Hinata says.

"She is really skilled." Shino says.

I pick up Daisuke by the shirt and drag him the  whole way to the Kazekage's office.

Time skip.
Before we walked in Gaara's office one of the ninja in the sand announced to Gaara we are here. "Wassup Temari, Kankuro, and the famous Kazekage Gaara." I say messin with Gaara.

"Hey everyone." Temari says

"Wassup." Kankuro says

"Good evening Y/N" Gaara says

I turn my head to see Kaede and Yuuta sitting in chairs in the room. "Thanks guys for letting them sit in here for a while, we had a mission here and i thought i'll stop by. Also he's been causing some trouble." I say throwing Daisuke on the floor.

"I'll have him locked up and interrogated, thanks
Y/N." Gaara says with his elbows on his table and finger locked in each other.

"Y/N your hurt, do you need medical attention." Temari says.

"Im fine, i should be good til' i get to the leaf, but thanks for asking." I say

I realized the time and thought we have to get heading back. "Thanks for coming to stop by." Gaara says.

"No problem." I say waving my hand.

My squad exits the room and so does Kaede and Yuuta. "Well this is where we depart." I say to the two as we stood at the gates of the sand village.

"I thank you guys so much." Kaede says bowing.

"Yes, i thank you as well." Yuuta says.

"Ahh dont thank us." Kiba says "we were happy to help." He continues.

"Well bye guys." I say. As we were off back to the leaf village i start to get real dizzy. I blink my eyes fast to concentrate my vision that was getting blurry. Oh shit i think im going down. And at that moment i was unconscious. 

Hinata POV.
We heard the sound of someone falling as we went to tree to tree. "Where did Y/N go?" I say

"She's right here." Kiba says.

When i got to where Kiba was Y/N was on the floor. How did this happen.

"Look, she's lost too much blood." Shino says

"We gotta hurry and get her back to the village." Kiba says

"Right" i say.

Kiba placed Y/N on Akamaru's back and we rushed to get to the leaf as fast as we could.

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