❄️winter special❄️

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Day 2

"Wake up everyone! Its time to use that power of youth and have some fun!!" I here Gai say

"Ughhhh" i groan "its too early for this"

"She's right." Ino says

"Who even let him in." Sakura ask

"Well i heard him knocking so i let him in." Tenten says

Hinata lets out a yawn and rubs her eyes "shouldnt we use the 'power of youth' later today?"

"No! We cant! We have to use it now!" Gai sensei says

"Alright Gai, just get out and we'll be ready i guess." I say

He closes the door. "All in favor for going back to sleep" i ask

"Already ahead of you." Sakura says lowly already dozing off.

"Welp thats final." I say and went back to sleep.

Meanwhile 3rd POV

"What could be taking these girls so long" lee says

"I dont have a clue, i know Y/N takes long to get ready but this...this is past long." Naruto says

"We'll give them 5 more minutes and if theyre not up we'll drag them out cause im hungry." Choji says "i just want to eat breakfast."

5 min later


"They went back to sleep!" Choji exclaims "ive been waiting to eat and you've been sleep!"

We all get up from the sudden noise.

"This is well expected none of them are actually morning people" shikamaru says

"Alright fine we'll get up and go eat your stupid breakfast." Sakura says

"You girls have 30 minutes!" Choji shouts

We get up groaning and moving around sluggishly.

45 min later

We hear banging on the door. "Come on it does not take that long." Naruto says

I open the door and he stops, his mouth frozen in place and eyes glued on me.

"We're finally done we all had to rush because you guys weren't patient." I say

"Y/N you look great" he says still awed

"Thanks." I say smiling. My hair was up in a puff, and i had on my regular winter outfit.

"Well come on we're all waiting." He says

We all leave and walk down to the food area.

"It smells so yummy!" Choji says

"It does smell really good." Hinata says

Gai had went to go get the table for us. He and Kakashi were gonna sit somewhere else considering the fact they're just there to keep watch. The place was pretty pact and after a little wait they were ready to seat us.

As the lady was leading us to the table then she stopped walking "also this is the only table we have for this amount of people and since its a bit packed one person will have to wait until we can get more chairs."

We all run to the table but sadly who didnt get a chair, me...

"You can have my seat." Naruto offers

"No, i know your hungry so you can just get your food while you can."

"Y/N its fine." He says

"No its too late im already leaving." I say walking.

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