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I woke up in a room and tried to adjust my eyes to the light. "Dammit, what happened." I say sitting up and rubbing my head.

"Your awake." Tsunade says walking in.

"What happened?" I say.

"You lost too much blood and went unconscious."

"How long ive been out."

"About 2 days."

"Dayum." I say jerking my head back. Tsunade then comes and sit in the chair on the side of me. "Why're you checking on me, your Hokage dont you got more important things to do?" I say to Tsunade

"I do but i thought i'll come visit you and see how your doing." She says

"Aww, as much as you would hate to admit it you care for me" i pretending to wipe away a tear and put my hand on my chest.

"Tch" Tsunade says crossing her arms.

I look down at my leg to see its in a cast. "Noo, im hurt this badly." I say to Tsunade.

"Oh calm down. You'll have to rest for only 1 week. "That mean NO TRAINING." She says being clear on the no training part. "And also you'll be on crunches the week after, then thats when everything can come off and you'll be free."

"Crunches as well!?" I say slumping down in the bed and putting a pillow on my face.

Tsunade laughs at my childishness. "I guess i could bring you some Ichiraku ramen." She says

"Really!? I would like that alot." I say

Tsunade laughs and exits the room not to long after Shikamaru comes in. "How are things going?" Shikamaru says.

"Ehh, its going." I say

"A nurse told me you'll be in here for a little while so i came to keep you company while im not doing anything."

"Thank you, that is very nice of you. The lucky thing about this whole thing is Tsunade's getting me some Ichiraku ramen soo, thats a plus."

"You and Naruto and that Ichiraku ramen, speaking of have you to ever figured out who that guy was?" Shikamaru says

"Ugh, yes, turns out he's a new member of our team and we even got a new Captain due to Kakashi's injuries. Not even that, they all went on a mission. And i had a mission with team 8. But it doesnt bother me now, i had a decent time with team 8 overall." I say

"Seems like a lot has happened, how did you even manage getting hurt." Shikamaru ask.

"Long story short this guy that captured Hinata threw a kunai at my leg when i protected her. But rather me than my comrades right." I say smiling.

"Its a drag but i would probably do the same thing." Shikamaru says. It went silent for a while but then i began to speak again.

"Shikamaru, i have to tell you something but you can not tell anyone else, ok" i say

"Promise." He says as we lock our fingers.

"Alright so your like the first person i told and i have to get this off of my chest...I like Naruto."

Shikamaru looks a little shocked "im shocked but im not, at the same time. Why're you telling me this now?" He says

"Well because i just felt like i needed to tell somebody and i can count on you, you dont talk much and that makes you good listener and a good person that can hold secrets."

Shikamaru lets out a chuckle. "And also i have to tell you some thing else" i say

"Im listening." Shikamaru says

"So, ive been liking Naruto right, andd i kid you not it was so awkward when me, Hinata, and the girl, Kaede we were escorting, was in the hot springs. Mainly because Hinata was talking about Naruto and-"

"Sorry to cut you off but even i could've told you Hinata likes Naruto its so obvious anyone with eyes can tell." He says

"I guess you right, but like i was saying she was talking about Naruto and bringing him up and i wanted to die in the inside. And i was trynna change the the subject, it was just a 'oof' moment if i can explain it in one word."

"I dont think you should worry too much about it, its technically all up to Naruto."

"But its not really that, like recently Naruto ask me to go to that up coming festival, and i said yea."

"Your going to the festival with Naruto!?" Shikamaru says surprised but still in the same monotone voice. 

"Yeah" i say

"Well you defiantly shouldn't worry, your going to the festival together."

"I know, but now that i know Hinata likes him too and we're all friends does that make me a bad person  that i dont really feel bad?"

"Nahh, just a little heartless." He says

I gasp as his comment. "Im just kidding, that doesnt make you a bad person at all. If anything its worse if you put you feelings aside, you do that its gonna destroy you even more." Shikamaru says

"You know what your right."

"Y/N im back with the ramen, oh hi Shikamaru if i'd knew you'd be here i would've got some for you too." Tsunade says

"Nah, thats fine im not really hungry and i should get going its getting dark anyways, see ya later." He says walking out.

"Bye Shikamaru." I say waving.

"Here's your ramen." Tsunade says giving it to me.

I get the chopsticks and start to eat. "Ahh, thank you." I say.

"What were you two talking about." Tsunade questions.

"Nothing." I laugh.

"Hmm, So now i know it was something." She says

I ate and laughed with Tsunade that night. When she left i looked up at the room ceiling as i laid down. All i could think about is Naruto and how i miss him. I hope he's doing ok, im sure Sakura is giving him a hard time for me.

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