Wash day

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"I guess you do remember." I say

"I told you." Naruto says undoing a braid.

"Welp we gotta whole head to do so we might want to make this quick." I say, Naruto did one half and i did the other. The bag of hair; that was once in braids, got fuller and fuller.

Time skip.
"And this is the last braid." I say taking it out. I
roll my head around appreciating the lightness i was now feeling.

"Whats the plan now." Naruto says

"More than likely going to wash it than twist it."

"Mk, well lets do it." Naruto says with a smile and a thumbs up. Naruto used to help me a bit with my hair back then but now he's helping a lot more, but why, defiantly not saying somethings wrong because i like the help, i just want to know why.

"Hey Naruto why you helpin so much, i have no problem with it but why?" I say turning his way and furrowing my eyebrows.

Naruto POV.
I know i shouldn't be thinking about this but one day me and Y/N are going to get married and have kids. I dont want Y/N stuck with everything like hair, cooking, clothes you know so i want to try my best and practice in advance so i can be the perfect dad.

But i defiantly wasn't going to say that so what i said was "no reason i just want to help." With a big smile.

She looked pretty satisfied with my answer.

Makes sense i guess. We were still at Naruto's house and i seemed to have ran out of shampoo and conditioner, and i have none at my place either.

I let a nervous chuckle. "Ummm, im out of shampoo and conditioner ...would you mind going pick me up some, i cant leave the house with my hair like this." I say.

"No problem, it wont take me that long." He says reassuring.

Naruto POV (little time skip)
Hmm does Y/N still even use this kind, i dont want to buy the wrong one. Im going to just get it im pretty sure she still uses it. I pick up (shampoo name) and (conditioner name). I go pay with my money out of my frog wallet.

The cashier then hands me the bag "she must be a lucky girl." She says with a smile.

"Im the lucky guy." I laugh and smile.

Time skip.
"Im home." I announce and take off my shoes. "So Y/N you still use this brand right?" I say holding up the bottles.

"Mhm, thank youu." She say extending the word you.

"No problem, now so lets start." I say

Me and Naruto went to the sink and not the bathroom since he wanted to help. I put my head in the sink and let the water run on it.

Naruto stood on a angle behind me yet on the side of me. "First just let the water go on all the hair especially make sure you get the scalp." I say

"Got it." Naruto says rubbing his hands through my scalp and basically just massaging it which felt really good making sure water got all in it.

"Next we put shampoo, make sure to rub it all the way through." I say

"Mk" he says hitting every spot in my head.

After that we rinsed and did it another time. When complete with the shampooing we went to conditioning. I lift my head from the sink and put a towel around my neck.

"Now Naruto we're gonna section this into 4 parts 2 on each side, and comb out and condition." (A/N: i dont know if anyone else do it like this but i just wrote it down how i do, hope you guys dont mind lol)

"Ok." He says concentrated trying to make straight parts with the rat tail comb. After a little while he said "alllright and...done!"

He did as i said and now it was the combing out and conditioning. "Watch because this shit takes a lot of arm strength" i say.

I get a piece of the section and comb it making sure to be gentle and then applied conditioner.

"Got it." He says confidently.

After all that and deep conditioning it and rinsing it i told Naruto it was ok if he goes take a break and i'll do the rest, but he said can he at least watch and thats exactly what he did. I combed it out once more.

"Wait, so Y/N why do you comb your hair out so much." He says asking a genuine question furrowing his eyebrows.

"Well... to be honest it just makes the next step easier." I say

"Ohh, ok" he says understanding.

After combing it all out i did my twist and was finally done. I then use a blow dryer to make it dry faster.

"Naruto, thanks for helping today, you really didnt have to." I say

"You dont have to thank me i wanted to." He says smiling.

Man i really love his smile, it feels so...warm

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