❄️winter special❄️

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I had made a fast recovery and tonight was the night.

"Alright are you guys ready to swap gifts" Lee says.

We were in the barbecue spot having dinner there as well. "I sure am ready" Kiba says

We all swap gifts, i give mines to Shino. "Oh here
Y/N this one is from the sand." Sakura says handing me mines.

I smile and take it. Naruto shakes up his box "can we open them now" he whines.

"Yup" i say

We all open our gifts a bunch of smiles were on each others faces. I gasp as i look at my gift it was a custom Kunai with my initial on it with a note. 'To Y/N from Gaara, thanks for befriending me that time ago, you and Naruto changed my life forever and im truly grateful, love Gaara'

"Awww Gaara's so nice" i say "what did you get" i say turning to Naruto.

"A whole box set of instant ramen" he says his eyes basically turning into hearts.

People thank each other and hugs go around the table. "Guys look what Sakura gave me!" Lee says  holding up a book saying 100 taijutsu tricks. "Thank you Sakura i would cherish this forever!"

We all laugh. "So do you like your gift." Naruto says smiling.

"Yes i love it, look" i say

"Thats amazing, im glad you liked it." He says putting his arm around me.

The rest of the night we ended up having alot of fun and as it got later and later we realized it was time to go.

"See you guys later" i say holding Naruto's hand as we leave everyone.

"Today was really a good day" Naruto says as we walk.

"It really was"

"So what do you wanna do next."

"I dont know." I say we then walk pass a park. "Wait how about the park?"

We go to the park and sit on the swings. Silence grew between us.

"I wish we could spend time like this together, with our parents ya know." Naruto says

"..., honestly me too, today was great but i kept feeling like i was missing something." I say

"Me too" he agrees. "Everyones so lucky ya know, to have there parents."

I get up and stand in front of Naruto's swing , his head was down looking towards the ground. "Its going to be ok." I say cupping his face and lifting his head up.

"I wish our parents were here too, to be with us, to say 'congrats on your relationship' or 'how was your mission.' But there not, and thats ok. We have each other and we have to stick with each other because we're all we got." I say

A tear leaves his eye and i pull his head into my chest. "And im sure if our parents were here they'd be so proud..of me, and you. We've accomplished so much, and im sure they wouldn't ask for nothing more. They're probably lookin down at us right now." I continue

"Your right" he says wiping his face. He stands up and wraps his arms around me. "Have i told you how much i love you Y/N, like truly ya know, i know my parents would absolutely love you."

I let out a laugh "same here". We depart from each other.

"Lets have a race to the slide, whoever loses has to wash the dishes." Naruto says

"You sure, cause im not losing" i say

A smirk appears on his face. "Ready, set, go" he says.

Time skip (Next day)

I sit on the bed as i hear the sink water running and clacking of dishes. "Well at least there arent that many." Naruto says

I let out a laugh. "Check the stove"

He lets out a whine "oh you've got to be kidding me"

Well heres the end of this winter special. Its been taking me a while because ive been having writers block considering the fact all the events i wanted to happen, happened so i thought i'll end it here. Thanks so much from the reads! God bless😙

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